
27.11.2009 21:47, Lucas B. Cohen wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I'm not up to date on this point, but IIRC there had been some
> discussion on whether to continue providing the Python API in Bacula,
> due to lack of maintainership a while ago. It might not be wise to rely
> on Python in Bacula for your project.

Indeed... I was about to write essentially the same thing.

BUT, Daniel, if you imagine you could work on the Bacula python stuff, 
and you like it, and you decide that you could maintain and improve 
it, you might be a good help for the developers there!

In the end, we all would get python scripting improvements, you might 
get the features we want, and everybody is happy :-)

> ext-daniel.haw...@nokia.com wrote:
>> I could integrate this somewhat, by using a separate Verify Job followed by 
>> a 
>> *Run after Job* script. This script could then use Python and the 
>> Bacula-Python hooks 
>> to run a restore job and then the rest of the required tests.
> If you intened to schedule a separate Verify Job after the Backup job,
> why not simply schedule a Restore job after that as well ? This third
> job would make use of the RunAfterJob directive, and whichever
> additional data integrity/usability tests you wish to run could then be
> implemented in the scripting language you prefer.

Actually, I'd do it even simpler... Just feed the necessary commands 
to bconsole (like 'run job=whatever ...' and 'wait') and do all the 
other steps in a script ouside of Bacula. Mostly because scheduling 
restore jobs doesn't work very well...

To get integrated into Baculas scheduling, you could run your script 
as a run script inside Bacula... for example, to run after the 
successful verify job.



> Best,

Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann
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