On 11/27/2009 12:39 PM, ext-daniel.haw...@nokia.com wrote:
> Hi All,
> I used to use Bacula years ago and am now back at a project that uses it.
> Is nice to be back :)
> We use Bacula to backup a series of MySQL databases to disk (with eventual
> offline storage elsewhere). Part of the requirement is to offer some
> automated testing of the data (ie backup live data, restore to alternative
> system, re-insert data into a separate integration database, run some known
> commands, etc).
> All of this is pretty simple stuff, however was thinking whether I could
> integrate this somewhat, by using a separate Verify Job followed by a *Run
> after Job* script. This script could then use Python and the Bacula-Python
> hooks to run a restore job and then the rest of the required tests.
> However, have not used the Bacula-Python side of things before and after
> hunting about, the only docs I have found are the *Python Scripting*
> chapter in the concepts and dev-manual. Is this the only source of docs for
> the Bacula-Python API???
> Main reason for this is, although am happy hacking about, and will have a
> look at the source, am just checking this is all feasible at the present
> time, before I start spending/wasting time on the effort.
> Oh and of course, if someone has attempted this all before and are willing
> to give some hints/tips/caveats, much appreciated :)

I don't know of anything exactly like what you're doing, but a good starting 
place would actually be to check out the regression test suite that's 
described in the developers manual.  While they're designed around looking for 
bugs in the code, it shouldn't be too hard to adapt one of them to the kind of 
testing you're talking about.

Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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