
Comments inline...

Ken Barclay wrote:
> This morning I finally gathered up the courage to upgrade Bacula.  The 
> old version wasn’t installed by me but I know that it was installed from 
> an rpm.

Good plan - still working on this one myself.
> I used these commands:
> rpm -Uvh bacula-postgresql-3.0.2-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
> rpm -Uvh bacula-mtx-3.0.2-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
> All appeared to be fine.  I can bconsole and get status of everything. Good!

Good start :D

> However, in /etc/bacula/ there is no mtx-changer script or conf.   So, 
> how can I install them without having to start from scratch.  Or can I 
> just use the old mtx-changer.conf and point it to /usr/sbin/mtx ?

Whilst I dont know the specific answer to your questions I know how I'd 
start looking at this one.

Use the command 'rpm -ql bacula-postgresql' (and bacula-mtx afterwards) 
to list the files installed by the rpms.

You might find the mtx-changer script has been relocated to another 
location in the new version. I've not ugpraded to 3.0.2 yet myself so 
aren't sure where this might be.

 > Any help appreciated,

Good luck!

Troy Daniels                      iTouch Australia, a Buongiorno company
Senior Systems Administrator      Ph  +618 6461 4102
troy.dani...@itouch.com.au        Fax +618 6461 4199

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