Yes, the problem is the "Hello command" which was introduced in 3.x
On a 2.x director, it will simply state "Hello command rejected" as the
failure in connecting to the FD from the director, I've tested this
before and go the same results regardless of the platform (Mac OS X
PPC/Intel, Fedora 6 i386, Fedora 10 i386, Vista x64, Win2k8 x64, Win2k3
x64 / 32-bit) - so, no, it seems I'm stuck either praying I can install
a properly updated Bacula director on my amd64 Ubuntu server, or hope
that someone moves the packages on Ubuntu/Fedora's repository to
something more than 2.4.4
On Wed, 2009-08-05 at 09:47 +0100, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 05 Aug 2009, James Harper wrote:
> > > We're primarily a 95% linux desktop and server environment, with some
> > > Macs, but we have a couple of pain in the necks we need to back up and I'm
> > > concerned about VSS. One is a Windows Server 2008 64-bit, and another is
> > > Vista 64-bit. Some things back up fine, but, I get the following VSS
> > > error on
> > > both jobs:
> > >
> > > Warning: VSS was not initialized properly. VSS support is disabled. ERR=An
> > > attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist.
> > >
> > > This using version 2.4.4 across the entire network, using Ubuntu
> > > Jaunty
> > > amd64 server for director - which is also 2.4.4. I've found bits and
> > > pieces
> > > out there about "Oh blah blah x64 VSS support doesn't work with 32-bit
> > > whine
> > > whine" - but, no resolutions - was this fixed already in later versions?
> > > Sorry if this is redundant.
> > >
> > > It doesn't seem to matter if I put Enable VSS = yes, or no - in this
> > > FileSet after the "Name =" field.
> > >
> >
> > Not sure about 2.4.x but 3.0.[012] has a 64 bit windows binary available
> > which works fine for me with VSS on a Windows 2008 x64 server (two of
> > them). The 64 bit windows binary is only the fd and it is a royal pain to
> > install alongside the 32 bit sd and director on the same machine, but you
> > just want to install the fd so you shouldn't have any problems at all.
> > Uninstall the 32 bit version first though as it will get upset about the
> > installation directories.
> I asked a similar question some time back. It appears that VSS on 64-bit
> windows doesn't like being initialised by a 32-bit app so you have to run
> a 64-bit bacula-fd and that's only available for v3+.
> > I don't think it's recommended but I don't think you'll have any problems
> > installing a 3.0.2 fd and using it with a 2.4.4 dir+sd.
> I'm pretty sure I had a problem doing that. Off the top of my head there's
> some complaint about a hello not getting responded to properly. Possibly
> the v3 bacula-fd doesn't like talking to a v2 bacula-sd, I'm not sure.
> I'd love to be wrong on this, if someone can point out that I am.
> Gavin
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