
I've got an odd problem. Let me explain.

I had several clients and all of them was working perfectly until the
end of last month (when I take some days off). I returned last
wednesday, and 3 clients are reporting this problem:

17-Jul 16:38 backup-dir JobId 9073: Start Backup JobId 9073,
17-Jul 16:38 backup-dir JobId 9073: Using Device "TapeDriveLTO3"
17-Jul 16:38 backup-sd JobId 9073: Fatal error: Incorrect
authorization key from File daemon at client rejected.

Please see http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors
for help.
17-Jul 16:38 backup-sd JobId 9073: Fatal error: Incorrect
authorization key from File daemon at client rejected.

Please see http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors
for help.
17-Jul 16:38 backup-sd JobId 9073: Fatal error: Unable to authenticate
File daemon

17-Jul 16:38 app253-fd JobId 9073: Fatal error: Authorization key
rejected by Storage daemon.
Please see http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors
for help.

17-Jul 16:38 app253-fd JobId 9073: Fatal error: Failed to authenticate
Storage daemon.
17-Jul 16:38 backup-dir JobId 9073: Fatal error: Socket error on
Storage command: ERR=No data available

If I ask the client status in bconsole everything is fine:

Connecting to Client app253 at

app253-fd Version: 2.4.4 (28 December 2008)  i486-pc-linux-gnu debian 4.0
Daemon started 17-Jul-09 16:37, 0 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=138,492 smbytes=10,262 max_bytes=11,648 bufs=56 max_bufs=77
 Sizeof: boffset_t=8 size_t=4 debug=0 trace=0

Running Jobs:
Director connected at: 17-Jul-09 16:52
No Jobs running.

So, I discard the possibility of password mismatch.

This 3 servers are behind and router (a linux server), but they were behind
this server for months without backup errors.

Anybody has some tips to me ? The only thing I know is that the router had
some changes, but nothing looks different, cause the other applications are
working fine.

I tried to turn off the firewall in the router but the problem persist, so I
discard the firewall too.

I'm using bacula 2.4.3 in the server and 2.4.4 in this client (the other 2
servers use 1.38 and I had a lot of 1.38 clients ini the network without


Marcelo H. Terres
ICQ: 6649932
MSN: mhter...@hotmail.com
Jabber: mhter...@jabber.org
Sent from Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
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