Hello !

Well, I'm since months now on that project, but nevertheless I like 
bacula and I agree that it's hardware issues that I'm experiencing.

I have the same settings as you on the library. But I noticed a weird 
thing : the library stops responding to the Web Access after a few days 
uptime, it even doesn't answer to ping. As I don't use the interface 
that much since I'm familiar with the mtx command I don't really care. 
Could my unit be defect then, with those weird problems of appending to 
tape and TCP ... I managed to ugrade the firmware at least ... There is 
maybe advanced parameters with the "mt -stsetoptions or mt -setoptions" 
that I don't totally understand...

Yesterday I ran a "big backup", on a new pool, with 2 tapes freshly 
erased, and the job managed to write 1.8 TB on 2 tapes : wrote on 1st 
one 1.1TB, then the autochanger switched to the 2nd one to finish the 
job. Happy that at least that is working as intended.

Le 12.05.2009 15:10, Win Htin a écrit :
> Hi Yvan,
> If it is of any consolation, it took me one whole month to make Bacula
> work but at the end of the day, it was time and effort well spent.
> Now, back to the subject of your problems. It seems more to do with
> the HW setting than Bacula. On the tape library, what settings do you
> have? Following is what I have.
> Library Mode : Random
> Auto clean    : Disabled
> Barcode label length Reported to host 6
> Since my library is IBM original, the IBM web-based admin page might
> be different from what you have for Dell.
> At the OS level, use the generic st/nst drivers. DO NOT use the stuff
> provided by IBM/Dell. Gave me nothing but head ache.
> In my bacula-sd.conf file, I have the "Maximum Concurrent Jobs" set to
> "2" since I have two tape drives.
> In my bacula-dir.conf file, I have "Maximum Concurrent Jobs" set to "20".
> Also, in my mtx-changer script, I added an extra function.
> wait_for_drive() {
>    i=0
>    while [ $i -le 300 ]; do  # Wait max 300 seconds
>      if mt -f $1 status | grep "${ready}">/dev/null 2>&1; then
>        break
>      fi
>      debug "Device $1 - not ready, retrying..."
>      sleep 1
>      i=`expr $i + 1`
>    done
> }
> The function is called as follows which is inserted in part of the
> "case $cmd in".
> # Increase the sleep time if you have a slow device
> # or remove the sleep and add the following:
>        #sleep 15
>        wait_for_drive $device    # Added this option WH. 2007-10-12
>        exit $rtn
>        ;;
> HTH,
> Win

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