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Please do not thread hijack.

Holikar, Sachin (ext) wrote:
> Hello,
> We have Bacula (2.2.7) running on a Fujitsu Tape Library. Yesterday we
> did a Full backup of couple of filesystems which are as shown below,
> Filesystem        Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/area         102G   89G   12G  89% /home
> /dev/area1        102G   88G   14G  87% /home1
> /dev/admin_area   102G   42G   16G  73% /adminhome
> The total used area of these 3 filesystems is , 219 GB. But when Bacula
> took lot of hours to finish this task unlike what we expected from the
> actual size of these filesystems. Also the logs showed almost double
> size. See this,
> / Scheduled time:         07-May-2009 22:05:00
>   Start time:             07-May-2009 23:51:52
>   End time:               08-May-2009 11:12:15
>   Elapsed time:          * 11 hours 20 mins 23 secs*
>   Priority:               21
>   FD Files Written:       979,123
>   SD Files Written:       979,123
>   FD Bytes Written:      * 396,473,448,721 (396.4 GB)*
>   SD Bytes Written:       *396,636,023,382 (396.6 GB)*
>   Rate:                   712.0 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   None
>   VSS:                    no
>   Encryption:             no
>   Volume name(s):         AAD111
>   Volume Session Id:      7
>   Volume Session Time:    1241702596
>   Last Volume Bytes:      614,080,180,224 (614.0 GB)
>   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>   SD Errors:              0
>   FD termination status:  OK
>   SD termination status:  OK
>   Termination:            Backup OK/
> Could anyone possibly tell the reason why bacula shows/takes more amount
> of data/time than it actually should? Is there we are missing out?? Is
> there any way we can see/find out why this happened?Kindly tell.
> Thanks,
> Newbie
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 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer II
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