We have Bacula (2.2.7) running on a Fujitsu Tape Library. Yesterday we did a
Full backup of couple of filesystems which are as shown below,
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/area 102G 89G 12G 89% /home
/dev/area1 102G 88G 14G 87% /home1
/dev/admin_area 102G 42G 16G 73% /adminhome
The total used area of these 3 filesystems is , 219 GB. But when Bacula took
lot of hours to finish this task unlike what we expected from the actual size
of these filesystems. Also the logs showed almost double size. See this,
Scheduled time: 07-May-2009 22:05:00
Start time: 07-May-2009 23:51:52
End time: 08-May-2009 11:12:15
Elapsed time: 11 hours 20 mins 23 secs
Priority: 21
FD Files Written: 979,123
SD Files Written: 979,123
FD Bytes Written: 396,473,448,721 (396.4 GB)
SD Bytes Written: 396,636,023,382 (396.6 GB)
Rate: 712.0 KB/s
Software Compression: None
VSS: no
Encryption: no
Volume name(s): AAD111
Volume Session Id: 7
Volume Session Time: 1241702596
Last Volume Bytes: 614,080,180,224 (614.0 GB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 0
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Backup OK
Could anyone possibly tell the reason why bacula shows/takes more amount of
data/time than it actually should? Is there we are missing out?? Is there any
way we can see/find out why this happened?Kindly tell.
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