
07.05.2009 15:01, Mike Ruskai wrote:
> On 05/07/2009 06:44, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>> You could always tweak the catalog so that the latest full backup and
>> all backups based on it look like they were made with the new file
>> set. If you're comfortable with using a database tool like psql or
>> mysql, and you know what you do, that's a safe thing. Which still
>> implies you should make sure you have a valid catalog dump :-)
>> Arno
> I'm using MySQL, and have the then most recent Bacula databases at any 
> given time (a DB dump is run daily, with the lowest priority, so all 
> jobs finish before it does).
> I've no fear of SQL, so I'd appreciate a pointer on which columns in 
> which tables are relevant.

Sure... see this:

> mysql> SELECT Job.Job AS Job,Job.Name AS JName,Job.FileSetId AS 
> FileSetId,FileSet.FileSet AS FSName,FileSet.MD5 AS FSMD5,FileSet.CreateTime 
> AS FSCreated FROM Job,FileSet WHERE Job.FileSetId=FileSet.FileSetId AND 
> Job.Name="Demo1" GROUP BY FSMD5;
> +------------------------------+-------+-----------+----------+------------------------+---------------------+
> | Job                          | JName | FileSetId | FSName   | FSMD5         
>          | FSCreated           |
> +------------------------------+-------+-----------+----------+------------------------+---------------------+
> | Demo1.2009-04-29_16.00.00.35 | Demo1 |         9 | Demo1Set | 
> EG+Gq8+j45+1L7JF7B/EZC | 2009-04-29 11:57:46 |
> | Demo1.2009-04-20_22.45.00.08 | Demo1 |         2 | Demo1Set | 
> hy/ID6/JBj+428d/PVIOlC | 2009-03-19 12:10:46 |
> +------------------------------+-------+-----------+----------+------------------------+---------------------+
> 2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

You notice I changed the file set once.

The FileSetId row is the one you're interested in. You can look up the 
known IDs in the FileSet Table:

> mysql> SELECT * FROM FileSet WHERE FileSet="Demo1Set";
> +-----------+----------+------------------------+---------------------+
> | FileSetId | FileSet  | MD5                    | CreateTime          |
> +-----------+----------+------------------------+---------------------+
> |         2 | Demo1Set | hy/ID6/JBj+428d/PVIOlC | 2009-03-19 12:10:46 |
> |         9 | Demo1Set | EG+Gq8+j45+1L7JF7B/EZC | 2009-04-29 11:57:46 |
> +-----------+----------+------------------------+---------------------+
> 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

These are the two file sets Bacula knows under that name.

So it's only looking up the latest jobs(s) using the old file set Id

> mysql> SELECT EndTime FROM Job WHERE FileSetId=2 AND Level="F" and 
> Name="Demo1" ORDER BY EndTime DESC LIMIT 1;
> +---------------------+
> | EndTime             |
> +---------------------+
> | 2009-04-28 22:05:14 |
> +---------------------+
> 1 row in set (0.01 sec)

and changing those to refer to the new FileSet.

Something like 'UPDATE Job SET FileSetId=9 WHERE Name="Demo1" AND 
EndTime>='2009-04-28 22:05:14';

and Bacula would find previous jobs with the right file set, so no 
updates are needed.

Good enough?

Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück

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