Mike Ruskai wrote:
> On 04/07/2009 04:21, Kevin Keane wrote:
>> Item  n:  implement retention times specified as number of copies.
>>   Date:   4/6/2009
>>   Origin: Kevin Keane - subscription at kkeane dot com
>>   Status:
> I very much like this idea.  I have pretty much enough storage for two 
> full backups plus incrementals, and that means any changes have to be 
> put off until the beginning of the backup cycle.
> If I could simply say, "Keep two full backups", it wouldn't matter.
With current bacula, you could actually do it, too. You would have to 
manually purge the oldest full backup. But that only works for one-off 
situations, not on a regular basis.
>>   Notes:  This feature may only makes sense for jobs and files, maybe not 
>> for volumes.
>>           I haven't fully thought through the implications yet.
>>           The interaction between "Keep Copies" and "Volume Retention"
>>           needs to be defined.
> It wouldn't work at all for my purposes if it weren't also tied to 
> volume retention.  Perhaps the volume can be configured to expire as 
> soon as all full backups on it expire.
I believe that's how it already works. You would set volume retention to 
1 day or so. The volume won't expire as long as there is still at least 
one unexpired job on it. And that job expiration would be controlled 
with this new setting.

Kevin Keane
The NetTech
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