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Kevin Keane wrote:
> Item  n:  implement retention times specified as number of copies.
>  Date:   4/6/2009
>  Origin: Kevin Keane - subscription at kkeane dot com
>  Status: 
>  What:   Currently, the retention time for a volume/job etc. is a
>          fixed number of seconds from the last time the item (volume,
>          job, file) was written or backed up.
>          What I would like to see is a retention time based on the last
>          successful backup at Full or Differential levels instead.
>          For instance:
>          Keep Copies = 2
>          would mean "expire retention time for a file or job when there
>          are at least two newer copies of the same file/job".
>  Why:    There are three benefits to this approach.
>          1) archiving. If you decommission a server, the last backup of
>          that server would automatically stay around forever.
>          2) storage management. Currently, if a full backup is done in the 
> middle
>          of a backup cycle, the previous full backup will still be retained, 
> and
>          take up space, until its full expiration time.
>          3) fail safety. If a full backup fails for some reason for several 
> days
>          in a row, the current retention-time mechanism may still allow the
>          previous full backup to expire, leaving you potentially with no good 
> backup
>          at all.
>  Notes:  This feature may only makes sense for jobs and files, maybe not for 
> volumes.
>          I haven't fully thought through the implications yet.
>          The interaction between "Keep Copies" and "Volume Retention"
>          needs to be defined.
>          A possible alternate implementation might be to have a relative
>          retention time instead of the number of copies: keep a backup until
>          two days after the next full backup. I believe that "Keep Copies" is
>          better, though, because the relative retention time mechanism would 
> not
>          allow for an easy mechanism to specify that you want to keep several
>          full backups before expiring the oldest one.

- From a programming point of view, have you thought about the algorithm
which could be used to determine "2 copies"?

- --
Dan Langille

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