Hi All,

Any one had previous with Quantum superloader 3  before, please let me know.

btape is not working but mtx work fine.

Is there any further logging I can enable, to get more information for what btape is finding wrong.

Kind Regards,

Prashant Ramhit wrote:
Hi Dan,

 From the following files I can see the Changer device is /devsg0 and 
the Archive Device is /dev/nst0.

But btape -c bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0 give me the following and freezes 
and nothing else.

r...@backupserver:/etc/bacula# *btape -c bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0*
Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
btape: butil.c:285 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for writing.
06-Mar 16:38 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 
06-Mar 16:38 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: 
nothing loaded.

Is there anything I can do to get this fixed please,

Kind regards,

Some out put commands

r...@backupserver:/etc/bacula# *mtx -f /dev/sg2 status*

  Storage Changer /dev/sg2:1 Drives, 16 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Full :VolumeTag=VOL101                         
      Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=VOL102                         
      Storage Element 3:Empty
      Storage Element 4:Empty
      Storage Element 5:Empty
      Storage Element 6:Empty
      Storage Element 7:Empty
      Storage Element 8:Empty
      Storage Element 9:Empty
      Storage Element 10:Empty
      Storage Element 11:Empty
      Storage Element 12:Empty
      Storage Element 13:Empty
      Storage Element 14:Empty
      Storage Element 15:Empty
      Storage Element 16:Empty

r...@backupserver:/etc/bacula# lsscsi
[2:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      HDS728080PLA380  PF2O  /dev/sda
[4:0:5:0]    tape    HP       Ultrium 4-SCSI   B22Z  /dev/st0
[4:0:5:1]    mediumx QUANTUM  UHDL             0054  -      
r...@backupserver:/etc/bacula# *


Dan Langille wrote:
Prashant Ramhit wrote:
Hi All,
Is anyone using a SuperLoader 3 LTO4 . I cannot get it to load and 
unload tapes.
Please have a look at my bacula-sf.conf, is there anything wrong in it?

Many thanks

Storage {
  Name = server-sd
  SDPort = 9103
  WorkingDirectory = "/var/bacula/working"
  Pid Directory = "/var/run"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

Director {
  Name = backupserver-dir
  Password = "password"

Autochanger {
  Name = AutoLoader
  Device = TapeDrive
  Changer Device = /dev/sg2
  Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
Have you:

run the btape tests, including the changer test?
tried running the changer command (above) manually, from the command 

If yes to either, what are the results?


Device {
  Name = TapeDrive
  Drive Index = 0
  Autochanger = yes
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  Media Type = LTO-4
  LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled 
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Offline On Unmount = no
  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

Messages {
  Name = Standard
  director = backupserver-dir = all

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