Dear List,

*We run **Bacula 2.4.1 on Debian. I have implemented a line in the 
startup script if the Director:
. /etc/bacula/environment.conf
In that file I have defined some environment variables.
The issue is that *sometimes* these variables are no longer recognized 
by Bacula and therefor variable expansion in tapelabels does not work 
correctly resulting in errors like:
**Error: Illegal character in Volume name 
When I restart Director the vars are recognized again and there is no 
At first I suspected that there was a difference in issuing a "reload" 
in bconsole versus restarting the director causing this behavior, but 
after some testing this does not seem to be the case.
*Any ideas are very welcome as I have no idea what is causing this and 
when it will happen again.

I implemented 2 scripts to stop or restart all daemons so I do not have 
to manually run 3 scripts. Maybe there is something in them which might 
lead to this behavior?

/etc/bacula/ :
find /etc/init.d/ -name 'bacula*' -exec {} stop \;
sleep 2s
ps aux | grep bacula
netstat -utal | grep bacula

/etc/bacula/ :
find /etc/init.d/ -name 'bacula*' -exec {} restart \;
ps aux | grep bacula
netstat -utal | grep bacula

# as there are sometimes daemons still not started:
sleep 10s
find /etc/init.d/ -name 'bacula*' -exec {} start \;

Could this last line cause havoc?

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