Hi again,

I've just hit another strange behaviour with my bacula system. A job
which has been doing a FULL backup by normal schedule two days ago,
did just advance to FULL on the incremental schedule today:

08-Jan 00:30 backup-dir JobId 74: No prior Full backup Job record found.
08-Jan 00:30 backup-dir JobId 74: No prior or suitable Full backup
found in catalog. Doing FULL backup.

This is very strange, because the status of the client tells me something else:

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
    55  Full    105,762    1.073 G  OK       06-Jan-09 00:37 www.domainname.de
    61  Incr        186    4.637 M  OK       07-Jan-09 00:32 www.domainname.de
    74  Full    105,966    1.073 G  OK       08-Jan-09 00:36

(Besides that, why does 2.4.4, different to 2.4.3, show the jobid
timestamps in the Name field?)

The catalog database shows correct entries:

mysql> select JobId, Job, Name, Level from Job where Name like
| JobId | Job                                      | Name              | Level |
|    55 | www.domainname.de.2009-01-06_00.30.23    | www.domainname.de
| F     |
|    61 | www.domainname.de.2009-01-07_00.30.48    | www.domainname.de
| I     |
|    74 | www.domainname.de.2009-01-08_00.30.00.22 | www.domainname.de
| F     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I've added my director configuration part for this client to the end
of this email. Values for WeeklyCycle schedule and DefaultJob jobdefs
are the ones provided with sample configs.
I currently don't have a clue where this problem could origin, so any
hints appreciated.

Client {
    Name                = "www.domainname.de"
    Address             = "www.domainname.de"
    FDPort              = 9102
    Catalog             = MyCatalog
    Password            = "Gwp^6byJK$rW%7g1"
    FileRetention       = 6 weeks
    JobRetention        = 6 weeks
    AutoPrune           = yes
    MaximumConcurrentJobs = 12

Job {
    Name                = "www.domainname.de"
    Client              = "www.domainname.de"
    JobDefs             = "DefaultJob"
    Schedule            = "WeeklyCycle"
    Pool                = "www.domainname.de-Default"
    FileSet             = "Full Set"
    FullBackupPool      = "www.domainname.de-Full"
    WriteBootstrap      = "/var/bacula/working/www.domainname.de.bsr"
    Messages            = "www.domainname.de"
    Storage             = "www.domainname.de"


Storage {
    Name                = "www.domainname.de"
    Address             = "backup.mycompany.net"
    SDPort              = "9103"
    Password            = "something"
    Device              = "www.domainname.de"
    MediaType           = "File"
    MaximumConcurrentJobs = 12

Pool {
    Name                = "www.domainname.de-Default"
    PoolType            = Backup
    Recycle             = yes
    AutoPrune           = yes
    VolumeRetention     = 6 days
    MaximumVolumes      = 12
    LabelFormat         = "www.domainname.de-Default-"
    MaximumVolumeJobs   = 0
    VolumeUseDuration   = 24h
    RecycleOldestVolume = yes

Pool {
    Name                = "www.domainname.de-Full"
    PoolType            = Backup
    Recycle             = yes
    AutoPrune           = yes
    VolumeRetention     = 6 weeks
    MaximumVolumes      = 12
    LabelFormat         = "www.domainname.de-Full-"
    MaximumVolumeJobs   = 0
    VolumeUseDuration   = 24h
    RecycleOldestVolume = yes

Le deagh dhùraghd,

        Frank Altpeter

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