
2009/1/8, Silver Salonen <sil...@ultrasoft.ee>:
> To my mind that wasn't a question at all - he just notices that it was because
>  of that (and there was nothing wrong with it), and made a suggestion for
>  improving notice.
>  The suggestion is quite useful to my mind and it should be made into a 
> correct
>  "project" to make it official :)

ACK :-)
Since I know that the changed FileSet content was the cause for
upgrading to FULL, I think this is (at least for myself) a wanted
feature, to ensure that my backups are covering all the content to be
saved. I would only wish that the notification output would mention
that instead of the quite generic "No prior or suitable full backup

Le deagh dhùraghd,

        Frank Altpeter

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