> Might be. Currently I try to restart everything every day before the
> backup is supposed to start, and I have the impression that it fails less
> likely.

Today I restarted my server completely and the tape didn't get mounted 

I've tried (in bconsole) :

update slots
mount (then I choose Autochanger, then slot 1 (where the tape resides)):

       2: Autochanger
Select Storage resource (1-2): 2
Enter autochanger slot: 1
3001 OK mount. Device="AIT4-1" (/dev/nst0)

The tape remained in slot 1 (i've checked the status seperately with:

# mtx -f /dev/sg0 status

to be sure.

Then, on the command prompt, I manually entered the command:

# /usr/local/bacula/etc/mtx-changer /dev/sg0 load 1 /dev/nst0 0

The tape got loaded, I've tried the command 'mount' in Bacula again, and 
bacula started writing to the tape.

Before this command, the tape wasn't accessed or used at all so it can't 
be that the tape was busy. Also, in my mtx-changer script i've put sleep 
60 everywhere now to ensure that a busy drive can't make problems (which 
was my first thought).

So it looks there is a bug in Bacula, on some condition, Bacula doesn't 
execute the mtx-changer command. The only problem is to find on which 
condition, because sometimes the backup just runs fine...

The first thing I'll do now is to let the mtx-changer program write a 
timestamp to a file, so I know for sure the mtx-changer program doesn't 
get executed at all, before I post this to the bacula-bugs database.


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