thank yuo very mouch for your advise, this is the outpot of the debug command: $ sudo /sbin/bacula-dir -d100 -c /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf bacula-dir: dird.c:157-0 Debug level = 100 bacula-dir: bsys.c:566-0 Could not open state file. sfd=-1 size=188: ERR=No such file or directory bacula-dir: mysql.c:101-0 db_open first time bacula-dir: mysql.c:129-0 initdb ref=1 connected=0 db=0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ bacula-dir: mysql.c:165-0 mysql_init done bacula-dir: mysql.c:186-0 mysql_real_connect done bacula-dir: mysql.c:188-0 db_user=bacula db_name=bacula db_password= bacula-dir: dird.c:878 Could not open Catalog "MyCatalog", database "bacula". bacula-dir: dird.c:883 mysql.c:194 Unable to connect to MySQL server. Database=bacula User=bacula MySQL connect failed either server not running or your authorization is incorrect. bacula-dir: mysql.c:227-0 closedb ref=0 connected=0 db=0 08-Oct 18:46 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION Please correct configuration file: /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
The problem is on the connection from director to mysql, I'll try to solve it. Now i have a direction to follow, thanks a lot!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list