subbustrato wrote:
> I have install bacula 2.4.2 from source packet on Ubuntu 7.04. For the
> installation i had followed the Debian's guide on wiki section in
> "". 
> bacula-dir, bacula-fd and bacula-sd are in defaulte state (I only change
> passwords, the same for all). 
> Director,Storage and Client are in the same machine and i haven't
> firewalls active. 
> When i try to connect bconsole to Director, i have this response: 
>  Unable to connect to Director daemon on ERR=Connection
>  refused
> The broblem is that bacula-dir demon doesn't run (checked with "netstart
> -tupan") and my question is,WHY?? 
> (bacula-fd and bacula-sd work correctly) 
> I hope thet this problem not depend from ubuntu 7.10. 
> best regards, 
> subbustrato. 
Try to debug the conf file first ( a look at the manual would be great in any 
case )
bacula-dir -t ( would do a test and exist : if trouble you can see them )

Also consider not using localhost
and use fqdn name for dir,sd,fd.


     Bruno Friedmann

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