
28.02.2008 15:48, Peter Much wrote:
> Hello Ryan,
>   sorry this got a little delayed. I copy to Your email.
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> aka Ryan Novosielski  schrieb
> mit Datum Sun, 10 Feb 2008 22:37:54 -0500 in m2n.bacula.users:
> It depends how You define "possible". It seems not to be currently 
> supported, true. But for all practical matters, a "migration" as 
> currently done in Bacula *is* a copy. 
> When you migrate a backup-job from one storage-pool to another,
> you will have all the data present in the new storage pool - but
> the identical data in the old storage pool is also still present 
> and untampered - obviousely, since that tape or disk did only
> get read and not deleted.
> The only thing that has changed is two values in the catalog
> which mark the old job as migrated and the new job as the target
> of that migration. Now if one would someway change these two values
> back to default, then one would have two jobs with different
> job-ids but the same content. Certainly, some piece of the Bacula
> code might be incompatible with such an action - as I said, it seems
> currently not supported. But there is not much work needed to get
> it implemented.

Restores - currently, Bacula doesn't know how to handle restores where 
the needed data is available in more than one place.

> So, if I were in the need of such functionality, and as the Bacula
> license allows us to make modifications to it as we seem appropriate,
> I would just make it working - on my own risk, on my own
> responsibility. (Respectively one could hire somebody who is willing
> and able to take the responsibility.)

I hope you would submit it as a patch, as that would save Kern and 
others from doing things again in the near future :-)

> No - I'm speaking about the problem of getting the daily amount of
> data thru some drives R/W heads within 24 hours. There are sites
> where *this* is the real problem, where the backup system runs 
> continuously on saturated network and where you calculate the number
> of needed tapedrives as the amount of daily data divided by the
> drive's throughput divided by 24 hours (or better 16, for practical
> purposes) and such are sites where you cannot avoid concurrency. 
> While I would currently not suggest Bacula as a possible solution 
> for that kind of site, I think it a good idea to keep that scenario
> in mind.

I would even recommend to keep Bacula in mind if you need to handle 
such a scenario... I don't think we're far from being reliable enough 
for such a beast.

> With this background, the eight jobs are just the minimum building
> block necessary in order to get ever near to such a scenario:
> i want at least two clients to safe onto one storage object 
> (because if each client must run separately then i just do not 
> need a network backup solution), i have long- and shortrunning 
> jobs that may overlap (for instance when saving away database 
> redo-logs, this must happen timely, even during a running 
> full-backup), so this makes 4. Then I have the migration jobs 
> that read from the disk storage object, so add another two. 
> And then some folks may want to restore something at any time, 
> so add another two.
> And I have not yet found a way to design a disk storage object
> in Bacula that would be able to cope with that in a reliable 
> manner.

Just out of curiosity - which backup solutions do you know that handle 
this with resonable performance?

I mean, the disk throughput problem is a universal one, and my (or 
rather, my customer's) experience is that you can build really fast 
disk arrays, given enough resources.

> If I would get that together, then that should be the building 
> block for everything else, no matter how large.
> rgds,
> PMc


Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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