So now, if some of You are wondering what I'm actually trying to 
do with Bacula Storage Solution - well I would say I try to 
implement a straightforward ideal storage solution:

    1. backups shall be saved to disk storage
    2. disk storage shall be moved to tape after a certain time
    3. tape storage shall be duplicated/mirrored

Concerning 1:
  There are a lot of good reasons to save to disk. 
  - You do not need to change tapes
  - The schedules will not interrupt unexpectedly for tapechange
  - Restore does not need a tape to load and works much quicker
  - You can increase backup frequency greatly, you could restore
    an accidentally deleted file even if it was created only
    half an hour earlier
  - You can tune the volume size to your demands
Concerning 2:
  There are no good reasons to keep older backups on disk.
  - They are seldom required
  - They occupy a *lot* of space, which can find better use

There are some more good reasons for 1+2:
  - I am seldom and irregularly on-site. Nevertheless I want a
    regularly scheduled backup - because when it is "manually
    initiated backup", then it quickly becomes "no backup at all".
    So the backup should go to disk, and when I'm on-site, I can
    manually start the migrate-to-tape (which I MUST do because
    otherwise the disk fills up).
  - The tapedrives can be powered off. They are noisy, and they
    add to the CO2 production.
  - disk-buffering is implicite, so no "shoe-shining".

Concerning 3:
  A tape cartridge is no more reliable than a disk. 
  Actually you SHOULD be able to restore most of the data even if
  a piece of the tape is damaged, but with any modern tapedrive
  I think if the header of the tape cannot be read in an orderly
  fashion, then it gets similarly difficult as restoring from a 
  broken disk, i.e. it needs special facilities.

  Now with disks it is totally convenient to have mirroring. Actually
  I can choose for every filesystem if I want to take the space from
  mirrored storage or from simple storage.
  For tapes there is obviousely no way of *mirroring*, as they are
  streaming devices. So there should be a way of duplicating, 
  if in realtime with two drives or sequentially with one does not
  matter much, but with a finer granularity than image-copying
  whole tapes, and someway managed by software, as it is really
  boring to do this manually.

Now putting this into practice with Bacula gives a couple of issues,
which I am currently working on.

..having tossedaway Microsoft(tm) already in 1991!

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