Timo Neuvonen wrote:
> "Erik P. Olsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> kirjoitti viestissä 
>> Timo Neuvonen wrote:
>>> "Erik P. Olsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> kirjoitti viestissä
>>>> I have a laptop running W2K which has received the "blue screen of 
>>>> death".
>>>> In
>>>> order to recover properly I need information from that system. 
>>>> Information
>>>> which
>>>> is on my back-up files. How do I restore the relevant files to my linux
>>>> system
>>>> so that my read this information?
>>> While running restore, put "client" to point to your Linux system 
>>> instead of
>>> W2k.
>> Thanks. Amazing! I was of the conviction that it was impossible to do. But 
>> now I
>> have it all on Linux and have no problems doing the rest of the recovery.
>>> On the other hand, what information do you need? If you re-install W2k, 
>>> to
>>> install Bacula client to the system you won't need other information but
>>> director passwd that you already can find from bacula-dir.conf
>> The information I miss is various software keys and I didn't want to 
>> reinstall
>> W2K just to get the keys :-)
> Off-topic:
> In that case, a faster approach might have been booting your dead W2k with 
> some live-CD Linux to crawl thru the W2k filesystem (provided you had had a 
> suitable cd at your hands).
> Of course, doing it with Bacula was also a good test to see that your backup 
> system has really been working.

Using Bacula was swift and it was really comforting to see how well the latest 
Bacula works. I have just upgraded from 1.38.


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