When restoring:
26-Feb 02:52 z-fd JobId 5: Warning: Cannot change permissions of
C:\tmp\bacula-restores/C\Documents and
;&0001057 <http://bugs.bacula.org/view.php?id=1057>;‹/FABP2/: ERR=No such
file or directory
(many similar messages).
When insterted here, the kind of a problem is not clearly visible.
here is the piece from the log:
1) wx-console does not support Unicode (UTF8?) with cyrillics, substituting
it with two one-byte symbols.
2) It seems z-fd also does not support cyrillics well to set permissions
Config files are in UFT8.
Additional info:
- What OS is your Director server running on?
All the software runs on WinXP SP2 Rus.
- What database engine are you using?
SQLite, built-in.
- What is your LANG environment variable?
Isn't set at all, as I understood, it available only for Unix OSes.
- Were all your conf files created in UTF-8 with the correct LANG setting?
I saved them in UTF8. What does it mean, create file with correct LANG
setting? If I wouldn't saved config files properly, Bacula would not backed
up (and restored) my files correcly. But it DID correctly back up and
restore. The only problem is the impossibility then to set permission and
incorrect log lines appearence in WX-console.
I tried to save not in UTF8, Bacula refuses to find cyrillic catalog to back
it up. It's OK. When in UTF8, it backups it well.
- Please upload your conf files.
I may, but there is nothing special, just basic conf.
- On what machine are you restoring the Win32 files? It appears you are
trying to restore them to a Unix
FD, SD, DIR & Console are running on the same maching on WinXP SP2 Rus.
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