
25.01.2008 16:26, Bill Szkotnicki wrote:
> I have many jobs scheduled for the same time
> and
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
> They run in sequence but if the current job is waiting for the FD to 
> connect nothing happens I think.
> Is there a way to have that job put at the bottom of the list of 
> scheduled jobs so that the director can deal with those FD's that are 
> present?

Not that simple, because it's waiting for a network connection to (or 
a timeout of a connection set up). Both cases require a reasonable 

What I usually do:
Use a run before script that pings the client. Let this script retunr 
with an error in case ping doesn't work (you could also use 
check_bacula...). Use reschedule interval and - times.

Hosts that are down will then not keep everything else waiting.

To get better results, more than one concurrent job plus spool space 
works good...


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Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehman

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