> Item  8:  Implement Copy pools
>   Date:   27 November 2005
>   Origin: David Boyes (dboyes at sinenomine dot net)
>   Status:
>   What:   I would like Bacula to have the capability to write copies
>           of backed-up data on multiple physical volumes selected
>           from different pools without transferring the data
>           multiple times, and to accept any of the copy volumes
>           as valid for restore. 
> [snip]
>   Notes:  I get the idea, but would like more details on the precise
>           syntax of the necessary directives and what they would do.

I think there's two areas where new configuration would be needed. 

1) identify a "SD mux" SD (specify it in the config just like a normal
SD. The SD configuration would need something like a "Daemon Type =
Normal/Mux" keyword to identify it as a multiplexor. (The director code
would need modification to add the ability to do the multiple session
setup, but the impact of the change would be new code that was invoked
only when a SDmux is needed).

2) Additional keywords in the Pool definition to identify the need to
create copies. Each pool would acquire a Copypool= attribute (may be
repeated to generate more than one copy. 3 is about the practical limit,
but no point in hardcoding that). 

Pool {
  Name = Primary
  Pool Type = Backup
  Copypool = Copy1
  Copypool = OffsiteCopy2

where Copy1 and OffsiteCopy2 are valid pools.

In terms of function (shorthand):

Backup job X is defined normally, specifying pool Primary as the pool to
use. Job gets scheduled, and Bacula starts scheduling resources.
Scheduler looks at pool definition for Primary, sees that there are a
non-zero number of copypool keywords. The director then connects to an
available SDmux, passes it the pool ids for Primary, Copy1, and
OffsiteCopy2 and waits. SDmux then goes out and reserves devices and
volumes in the normal SDs that serve Primary, Copy1 and OffsiteCopy2.
When all are ready, the SDmux signals ready back to the director, and
the FD is given the address of the SDmux as the SD to communicate with.
Backup proceeds normally, with the SDmux duplicating blocks to each
connected normal SD, and returning ready when all defined copies have
been written. At EOJ, FD shuts down connection with SDmux, which closes
down the normal SD connections and goes back to an idle state. 
SDmux does not update database; normal SDs do (noting that file is
present on each volume it has been written to). 

On restore, director looks for the volume containing the file in pool
Primary first, then Copy1, then OffsiteCopy2. If the volume holding the
file in pool Primary is missing or busy (being written in another job,
etc), or one of the volumes from the copypool list that have the file in
question is already mounted and ready for some reason, use it to do the
restore, else mount one of the copypool volumes and proceed. 

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