
I just returned from a mini-vacation and recovered from mailing list 
trouble. The effect was that I have not received -users list mail for 
about two weeks. I will not read through this mail using gmane or 
something, so it's possible I missed important things.

But read on...

18.08.2007 21:35,, Kern Sibbald wrote::
> Hello,
> Now that Bacula version 2.2.0 has been released, I thought I would give you a 
> brief review of the direction that I see Bacula taking over the next year.
> 3. Normally after a major release, we do a vote on the Projects so that the
>     developers will have your input as to what is important and what is not.
>     This does not guarantee the the developers will develop all the high 
>     priority projects and not the low ones, but the user assigned priority is
>     certainly the largest factor in deciding what to work on.
>     For this particular release, unfortunately, the #1 project on the list was
>     taken by a developer who recently left the project, which means it was not
>     implemented.  As a consequence, in my opinion, it is not absolutely
>     necessary to hold a new vote as there are enough high priority projects
>     to work on.  That said, if Arno, would like to do a vote on the project
>     list, that is perfectly fine with me, and perhaps some of your priorities
>     have changed.

Although I did not yet present my feature request and voting solution 
I'm sure that could be working in a reasonable time. (I apologize - I 
was busy with other projects...)

I will get the feature request collection and voting solution into a 
working condition eventually (unless someone is faster :-)

>     In any case, I have reviewed the old project list, removed the items that
>     were completed in 2.2.0, combined several projects that were similar, and
>     eliminated (put into a hold area) projects that are either developer 
>     optimizations, not well enough explained for me to implement, projects
>     that I don't know how to implement, or projects that require proprietary 
>     code, so cannot be implemented in Bacula (at the current moment).
>     This cut the number of projects in the voting list down from 44 to 25. 
>     They are numbered 1-25.  There are 10 projects in the hold list h1-h10.
>     For all the projects that I placed on hold, I made notes, so if one of
>     your projects was placed on hold, you will know why, and if it was placed
>     on hold because I didn't understand what you want or need additional 
>     information, please feel free to supply it. 
>     In addition, I stopped keeping track of Feature Requests some time ago 
>     (about 3 months ago) so any Feature Requests submitted after that point
>     are not included in the current list.
> To sum it up, I've reproduced the list below, and if you feel it is important 
> to vote again on the items, please discuss it with Arno, work out the details 
> and let me know.

Actually, I think Kerns approach is quite reasonable.

There are already some interesting suggestions in this list, and I 
don't think we need another round of requests and votes right now.

Of course this is my personal impression only, but given that the main 
developer has presented this list, I think it's reasonable to use that 
for now...

> Best regards,
> Kern


Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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