
27.06.2007 20:31,, Omer Faruk Sen wrote::
> I have just copied bacula-dir.conf from one of my previous installations.
> but it didn't work both 1.38.11 or 2.0.3 ... It seems configuration
> structure changed

Not that much... also, the changes are documented in the manual and 
the release notes.

> but what is interesting that 1.38.11 or 2.0.3  comes
> with old configuration (bacula-dir.conf) and thus doesn't work.

Last time I set up a recent Bacula that was not the case... I could 
easily modify the sample configuration files and it worked.

> Can
> someone enlighten me what happened with bacula-dir configuration file?
> What has changed or can someone send me a working bacula-dir.conf for
> 1.38.11 or 2.0.3

I doubt a configuration file from someone else will help you much. It 
might be more useful if you posted the parts that gave errors for you, 
for example the top of your bacula-dir.conf.


> Best Regards,
>> On 2007.06.27. 19:03, Craig White wrote:
>> ...
>>>> TERMINATION at parse_conf.c:853
>>>> Config error: Keyword "Include" not permitted in this resource.
>>>> Perhaps you left the trailing brace off of the previous resource.
>>>>             : line 76, col 10 of file /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
>>>>   Include {
>>>> after taking these errors I have used the conf file that comes with
>>>> stock
>>>> bacula package but again i got the same error messages.
>>>> Is bacula configuration changed in new versions? I have also tried
>>>> bacula
>>>> 1.38.11 and bacula 2.0.3 version and got the same error messages..
>>> ----
>>> I had a similar issue but it was obvious that something was wrong with
>>> the conf file.
>>> In my case, I had a Windows system and I was using quotations to enclose
>>> an 'Include' path - something like this...
>>> File = "c:\Document and Settings\" and UNIX interprets the \ as an
>>> escape which meant that the quotes were never closed so I had to use
>>> '\\' for the backslashes.
>> bacula manual explicitly tells not to do that ;)
>> http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/FileSet_Resource.html
>> Windows users, please take note to specify directories (even c:/...) in
>> Unix path notation. If you use Windows conventions, you will most likely
>> not be able to restore your files due to the fact that the Windows path
>> separator was defined as an escape character long before Windows
>> existed, and Bacula adheres to that convention
>> --
>>   Rich
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Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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