I have solved the problem. It is the LC_ settings of the machine it was
set to something( to turkish locale) other than xxx..UTF-8 .

I have added following lines to /etc/rc.d/init.d/bacula-dir startup script
and problem solved bacula-dir started perfectly with default configuration

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

> Ok then.
> Here is the lines that are not working:
> # List of files to be backed up
> FileSet {
>   Name = "Full Set"
>   Include {
>     Options {
>       signature = MD5
>     }
> #
> #  Put your list of files here, preceded by 'File =', one per line
> #    or include an external list with:
> #
> #    File = <file-name
> #
> #  Note: / backs up everything on the root partition.
> #    if you have other partitons such as /usr or /home
> #    you will probably want to add them too.
> #
> #  By default this is defined to point to the Bacula build
> #    directory to give a reasonable FileSet to backup to
> #    disk storage during initial testing.
> #
>     File = /home/fs/rpmbuild/BUILD/bacula-1.38.11
>   }
> #
> # If you backup the root directory, the following two excluded
> #   files can be useful
> #
>   Exclude {
>     File = /proc
>     File = /tmp
>     File = /.journal
>     File = /.fsck
>   }
> }
> And the error message:
> Starting Bacula Director services: 28-Haz 09:55 bacula-dir: ERROR
> TERMINATION at parse_conf.c:853
> Config error: Keyword "Include" not permitted in this resource.
> Perhaps you left the trailing brace off of the previous resource.
>             : line 76, col 10 of file /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
>   Include {
> It says I can't put Options{} in FileSet{} section
>> Hi,
>> 27.06.2007 20:31,, Omer Faruk Sen wrote::
>>> I have just copied bacula-dir.conf from one of my previous
>>> installations.
>>> but it didn't work both 1.38.11 or 2.0.3 ... It seems configuration
>>> structure changed
>> Not that much... also, the changes are documented in the manual and
>> the release notes.
>>> but what is interesting that 1.38.11 or 2.0.3  comes
>>> with old configuration (bacula-dir.conf) and thus doesn't work.
>> Last time I set up a recent Bacula that was not the case... I could
>> easily modify the sample configuration files and it worked.
>>> Can
>>> someone enlighten me what happened with bacula-dir configuration file?
>>> What has changed or can someone send me a working bacula-dir.conf for
>>> 1.38.11 or 2.0.3
>> I doubt a configuration file from someone else will help you much. It
>> might be more useful if you posted the parts that gave errors for you,
>> for example the top of your bacula-dir.conf.
>> Arno
>>> Best Regards,
>>>> On 2007.06.27. 19:03, Craig White wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>>>> TERMINATION at parse_conf.c:853
>>>>>> Config error: Keyword "Include" not permitted in this resource.
>>>>>> Perhaps you left the trailing brace off of the previous resource.
>>>>>>             : line 76, col 10 of file /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
>>>>>>   Include {
>>>>>> after taking these errors I have used the conf file that comes with
>>>>>> stock
>>>>>> bacula package but again i got the same error messages.
>>>>>> Is bacula configuration changed in new versions? I have also tried
>>>>>> bacula
>>>>>> 1.38.11 and bacula 2.0.3 version and got the same error messages..
>>>>> ----
>>>>> I had a similar issue but it was obvious that something was wrong
>>>>> with
>>>>> the conf file.
>>>>> In my case, I had a Windows system and I was using quotations to
>>>>> enclose
>>>>> an 'Include' path - something like this...
>>>>> File = "c:\Document and Settings\" and UNIX interprets the \ as an
>>>>> escape which meant that the quotes were never closed so I had to use
>>>>> '\\' for the backslashes.
>>>> bacula manual explicitly tells not to do that ;)
>>>> http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/FileSet_Resource.html
>>>> Windows users, please take note to specify directories (even c:/...)
>>>> in
>>>> Unix path notation. If you use Windows conventions, you will most
>>>> likely
>>>> not be able to restore your files due to the fact that the Windows
>>>> path
>>>> separator was defined as an escape character long before Windows
>>>> existed, and Bacula adheres to that convention
>>>> --
>>>>   Rich
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>> --
>> Arno Lehmann
>> IT-Service Lehmann
>> www.its-lehmann.de
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> --
> Omer Faruk Sen
> http://www.faruk.net
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Omer Faruk Sen

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