* Dan Langille schrieb am 26.04.07 um 14:02 Uhr:
Content-Description: Mail message body
> Folks,
> I need help please.  I'm rather busy for the next few weeks and 
> cannot answer these questions. They are from a journalist writing 
> about Bacula.
> If you could fill in what you know, and someone else can fill in the 
> rest.  Thank you.

Here are some answers. (In brackets if I am not 100% sure)

> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> Date sent:            Thu, 26 Apr 2007 13:53:57 +0200
> From:                 Joachim Clemens
> To:                   press
> Subject:              Questions about Bacula
> Dear Dan Langille,
> I am doing a research for the german Linux Technical Review, a sister 
> publication of the Linux-Magazine, about commercial and open-source 
> Backup- and Storage-Solutions. 
> In spite of my extensive online research about "Bacula 2.0.3", the 
> following open questions remain:
> - is the NDMP protocol supported?


> - are LAN-free and/or Serverless backups possible?

(yes AFAICT, if all 3 deamons run on the same machine)

> - does Bacula support centralized management and is it possible to 
> use storge devices attached to another server than the one with 
> Bacula installed?

Yes and yes. You can run the "Storage Daemon" on a foreign machine
which will then accept data over the wire to store it on the backup

> - can the bandwidth be limited, that is used by the backup process?


> - is it possible to use the built-in snapshot functionality of hard 
> or software for automated backups?

AFAIK: bacula has no built-in snapshot functionality but you can
combine it with system snapshot capabilities (VSS onw indows, LVM
snapshots on unix systems)

> - does your software supports the creation of user groups with 
> specific privileges?

(maybe with console ACLs)

> - are multiple data streams to the backup medium supported 
> (multiflow, multiplexing)?


> - are Virtual Tape Libraries supported?


> - is there a disaster recovery function for the Bacula server for 
> other operation systems than Linux available?

(its based on linux, but you can restore any system (AFAIKT))

> - are there modules to back up specific applications like databases 
> without shutting them down?
> - is it possible to clone backup media?
> - is disk-to-disk-to-tape supported?
> I would appriciate if you could help me answering the open questions 
> to describe your product as detailed as possible.
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Yours faithfully,
> Joachim Clemens
> ------- End of forwarded message -------

*   (morganj): 0 is false and 1 is true, correct?  *
*   (alec_eso): 1, morganj                         *
*   (morganj): bastard.                            *

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