Hi Arno,

On Thursday 19 April 2007 writes Arno Lehmann:
> On 4/19/2007 10:40 AM, Falk Sauer wrote:

> > Bacula 2-0-3 from rpm, os10.2 32bit x86,
> > adic scalar24 with 2 SDLT320, NTEC IceBox over SCSI
> >
> > every time if a File-volume was created automatically, the inchanger flag
> > is set to 0, if a File-volume is created manually the inchanger flag is
> > set to 1.
> >
> > 1) has this any  spillover?
> Hmm. I don't think so - you'd have noticed that by now :-)

i read this list over few days, i didn't read also over them.

> > 2) is any badly influence from this to the prune logic imaginable?
> I don't think so, too. Actually, it might influence the order in which
> volumes are reused - because volumes with InChanger=1 are preferred -
> but that *should* happen only with autochanger devices. File storage
> usually is not an autochanger, and works a little different, as far as I
> know (I'm not using file storage here, and don't have access to an
> installation that does, at the moment).
> Anyway, I'm running setups with file volumes at customers sites, and
> they simply work. Typically, there is a mixture of automatically and
> manually created volumes, and the volumes are reused as I expect, so I
> think it's safe to say you don't have to worry :-)

by an tape-volume in my setting the inchanger-flag _must_ set to 1 if i label 
a tape, thats right.

> > If 2 == yes then we must set this flag manually to the right value, which
> > is the 'right' value in this case?
> I'd suggest to do nothing now, and in case you notice that volumes with
> InChanger=0 are NOT reused, you report this. Then we'll discuss if this
> is a bug or needs a different configuration :-)

ok i've controlled the logs from the last night and there was a first reusing 
of file-volume with inchanger-flag=0, i think too that's works. I can not 
imagine for what bacula this flag can use by an file-volume. A file-volume 
can not sooo easy going outside of the storage as a tape. ;-)
I think its better the flag is by an file-volume every time set to 0, thats 
suppressed konfusion.


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