Hi Troy,

On Thursday 19 April 2007 writes Troy Daniels:
> Do you have any form of autochanger (be it virtual or otherwise) configured
> in your setup?

yes, only on the tape storage, not on the file storage.

> I believe this field is only relevent if Bacula is configured to use an
> Autochanger, something that's not necessary if your just writing volumes to
> disk. (But can be used if you are writing them to removable disks tho)

i think also that should make the removable switch in the config, i'm using 
the standard config for my file storage. 

Storage {
  Name = File
  Address = f.q.d.n
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "secure"
  Device = FileStorage
  Media Type = File

Device { 
  Name = FileStorage
  Media Type = File
  Archive Device = /home/filevol
  LabelMedia = yes; 
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes; 
  RemovableMedia = no; # i think this should set the inchanger 
                                           # flag statically to 0
  AlwaysOpen = no;


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