Hello, For anyone interested in doing regression testing, here is the procedure that I recently sent to one interested FreeBSD user. If you are planning to do regression testing, please let me and preferably the bacula-devel list know so that we don't get too much duplication of effort -- pretty unlikely the way things have been going :-)
There is not a whole lot of work to running the regression tests. To set it up in the very beginning, it is a few hours, then to run it, it is just bringing the code up to date with two "svn update" commands and running a script. If there are failures, then the time to resolve it is a bit longer. Do you have a tape drive that could be used? Preferrably an autochanger, but a tape drive with one "blank" tape is all that is really necessary. If you would like to try running the regression scripts, please do the following: - create a directory named "bacula" for example (any name will do) - then in that directory, do the following things - download the latest depkgs from Source Forge, unpack it into depkgs. cd into depkgs, and do "make". This will build (hopefully) SQLite and SQLite3, which can be useful for regression testing. - checkout the SVN for the main trunk/bacula svn checkout https://bacula.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/bacula/trunk/bacula bacula - checkout the SVN for the main trunk/regress svn checkout https://bacula.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/bacula/trunk/regress regress - read the notes in the Developer's guide about regress (realizing they might be slightly out of date). - read the README in the regress directory (realizing that it might be slightly out of date). - Let me know what your normal database SQL engine is. You might setup your SQL engine so that it has a database named "regress" that can be accessed by user "regress" with no password. We can use only SQLite, but it is better to run it against PostgreSQL if possible (and possibly MySQL). - In the regress directory, create a .conf file for yourself. Start from prototype.conf and change it to suit your situation. - If you are using FreeBSD, check the regress/scripts/freebsd_tape_options file to ensure that it has the right options for your tape drive (if you have one). If you are running Solaris, the default script is fine. - Then do: ./conf xxx.conf make setup It should build Bacula without errors. - if you wish to try it, you can run the disk based tests with ./do_file The procedure is slightly different for Windows ... Best regards, Kern ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now. http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/ _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users