Hi all,

I am trying a second approach to understand how relabeling a tape
using the "relable" command from the console is supposed to work.

 * I have a single tape drive setup, no autochanger.
 * I am using bacula 2.0.3
 * labeling tapes works fine
 * backups work fine
 * restores work fine

But I do not manage it to relable a tape using the relabel command.
At this point I still believe it might be a bacula bug.

Maybe I am using an untested combination of settings in the Device
configuration of the SD?

It would be great if someone yould tell me what I am doing wrong

My SD's Device Resource:
Device {
  Name = DLT8000
  Media Type = DLT-IV
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes
  AlwaysOpen = yes
  RemovableMedia = yes
  RandomAccess = no
  Offline On Unmount = Yes
  Spool Directory = /home/bacula-spool
  Maximum Spool Size = 10 g
  Maximum Job Spool Size = 2 g

Now I am in the console. I just inserted a known Tape into the tape
drive called "Tape_20". I purged this tape using the purge command.

*status sd
Device status:
Device "DLT8000" (/dev/nst0) is not open.

The tape drive needs some time to load the tape... I wait for it to
finish this.

 * tape is inserted
 * that volume is pruned
 * tape is *not* mounted

Now I should be able to use the relabel command, right?

I would expect that I send the relabled command, bacula woul read
the current label, then rewind, that write the new label.

Now what happens is that:

*relabel oldvolume=Tape_20 volume=Tape_Test
Automatically selected Storage: lisa-sd
Automatically selected Pool: Default
Connecting to Storage daemon lisa-sd at lisa:9103 ...
Sending relabel command from "Tape_20" to "Tape_Test" ...
--> here the tape begins to do something. 
    The tape is being ejected!!

Then, after the drive has finished ejecting the tape:
3912 Failed to label Volume: ERR=dev.c:425 Unable to open device
"DLT8000" (/dev/nst0): ERR=Input/output error

Label command failed for Volume Tape_Test.
Do not forget to mount the drive!!!

So why does bacula eject the tape here? Can somebody explain to why
this should not be a bug?

Could it be that bacula does an "unmount" here although the tape is
not mounted and this unmount command does the "mt offline" because
of the "Offline On Unmount = Yes" setting?

Ok I will set "Offline On Unmount = No" and try again to test this:

(restarting SD, inserting tape, waiting for tape to finish)

*relabel oldvolume=Tape_20 volume=Tape_Test
Automatically selected Storage: lisa-sd
Automatically selected Pool: Default
Connecting to Storage daemon lisa-sd at lisa:9103 ...
Sending relabel command from "Tape_20" to "Tape_Test" ...
3000 OK label. VolBytes=64701 DVD=0 Volume="Tape_Test" Device="DLT8000" 
Catalog record for Volume "Tape_Test", Slot 0  successfully created.
Old volume "Tape_20" deleted from catalog.
Requesting to mount DLT8000 ...
3001 Mounted Volume: Tape_Test
3001 Device "DLT8000" (/dev/nst0) is already mounted with Volume "Tape_Test"


But: I still would consider this a bug: It should be possible to
use the relabel command with a single tapedrive and the setting
"Offline On Unmount = Yes", not?

Because I want bacula to eject the tape if it is requesting another

Any comments? Or hints?

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