
I've seen this too. Ryan's points are valid as well.

A polite response of Read the Manual is sufficient. For those with  
**URGENT** requests, a polite pointer to paid support options would  
be appropriate as well.

Now, deep down inside I'd really like rip and shred -- there are  
times when it's clear the poster has no respect for others and a 'why  
haven't you taken care of me?' pushy attitude that exudes from the  
posting. Those are best ignored in my opinion, but as a measure of  
grace a polite response isn't out of the question.

Thanks for the post Alan. It likely hits home for just about every  
regular 'Baculite' on the list.


On Mar 16, 2007, at 1:05 PM, Alan Davis wrote:

> >Message: 8
> >Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 17:51:32 +0100
> >
> >El vie, 16-03-2007 a las 16:14 +0100, Marc Cuypers escribi?:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Has someone bacula working with a HP MSL2024 autochanger?
> >>
> >
> >Indeed.
> >
> /rant mode on/
> Ladies and Gentleman,
> The mailing list is the primary customer support mechanism and one of
> the only expressions of "community" for the excellent "community  
> supported"
> product that is Bacula.
> I have seen too many responses on this list that, while they may  
> answer the
> question /exactly/ (although too many aren't even that helpful) they
> provide absolutely no useful or meaningful information.
> Please keep in mind as you respond that users come to this list  
> looking for
> help with a complex system that they probably don't understand  
> fully. While
> sometimes the assurance that something is indeed possible is enough  
> to spur
> a user to more detailed tests and a re-reading of the manual quite  
> often
> additional information from more experienced users is most helpful.
> It's not difficult, as experienced users, to anticipate the type of
> information that might be required to guide someone past the  
> difficulties
> expressed in their posting to the list.
> The Bacula user's community is somewhat self-selected to be more
> "professional" than the general Linux user in that smaller  
> installations
> don't need a backup system as capable as bacula.
> Please remember to treat our community members with respect and  
> patience.
> The mailing list is the primary support channel available to all users
> at all experience levels. While a product's technical excellence is  
> important
> in choosing a solution for business needs, a FOSS product whose user
> community is treated well by their peers will enjoy greater success  
> than one
> who's users are left to support themselves completely.
> Vendors of proprietary products are quite often judged by users and  
> in the
> trade press on both quality of their products and quality of their  
> support.
> The same is true for FOSS products except that /we/ are the support  
> staff and
> the competition is just a download away. If a Bacula user can't get  
> their problem
> resolved quickly and easily with help from the mailing list they'll  
> quickly
> move on to another solution. They don't have the options that are  
> available
> to users of proprietary products - find another support vendor or use
> financial incentives with the vendor to improve response from them.
> /rant mode off/
> ----
> Alan Davis
> Senior Architect
> Ruckus Network, Inc.
> 703.464.6578 (o)
> 410.365.7175 (m)
> alancdavis AIM
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---
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