In the message dated: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 20:53:32 -0000,
The pithy ruminations from "Rob MacGregor" on 
<Re: [Bacula-users] Unhelpful help (was Re: Bacula and HP MSL2024autochanger)> 
=> On 3/16/07, Darien Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
=> > I wonder if a small improvement would be to basically send them an e-
=> > mail as part of the signup process which has some helpful links,
=> > small manual TOC, etc.

I think that a MAJOR improvement would be a form on the website that prompts 
the user for all the "required" information to submit a question to the list 
(or a bug report):

        bacula version
        fd platform
        sd platform
        client platform[s]
        specific error messages
        debug level used
        problem description
        attached config files

There's so much information that the process of asking--and more importantly, 
answering--questions could be tremendously improved if the questions were 
posted in a standardized format. This would make them easier for human beings 
to scan and respond to, and easier to index for future searches.

Along these lines, I'd also strongly suggest a form for submitting enhancement 
requests. Kern has a strong preference for having the request submitted in a 
particular would improve the quality of the requests, reduce the 
number of times that they are re-submitted because of "formatting errors", and 
make it easier on Kern (and the other developers) if the data was in a 
standardized format.


=> I've seen that done on another list, including direct pointers to the
=> section of the FAQ that details how to report problems.
=> I think maybe one person has actually provided even the majority of
=> the requested information right off (and nobody all of it).  Even
=> people who harp on about having read the FAQ provide little of the
=> requested information.  The most common statement is "I know I should
=> upgrade, but...".
=> So, in my experience it may help, but I really doubt it.  The sad fact
=> of life is that most people either don't read any of it (probably
=> because they're in too much of a rush to get their post in so they can
=> get help) or don't understand what they read (either language barriers
=> or a lack of a common knowledge space).
=> -- 
=>                  Please keep list traffic on the list.
=> Rob MacGregor
=>       Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
=>         doesn't become a monster.                  Friedrich Nietzsche
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