>Message: 8
>Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 17:51:32 +0100
>El vie, 16-03-2007 a las 16:14 +0100, Marc Cuypers escribi?:
>> Hi,
>> Has someone bacula working with a HP MSL2024 autochanger?
/rant mode on/
Ladies and Gentleman,
The mailing list is the primary customer support mechanism and one of
the only expressions of "community" for the excellent "community
product that is Bacula.
I have seen too many responses on this list that, while they may answer
question /exactly/ (although too many aren't even that helpful) they
provide absolutely no useful or meaningful information.
Please keep in mind as you respond that users come to this list looking
help with a complex system that they probably don't understand fully.
sometimes the assurance that something is indeed possible is enough to
a user to more detailed tests and a re-reading of the manual quite often
additional information from more experienced users is most helpful.
It's not difficult, as experienced users, to anticipate the type of
information that might be required to guide someone past the
expressed in their posting to the list.
The Bacula user's community is somewhat self-selected to be more
"professional" than the general Linux user in that smaller installations
don't need a backup system as capable as bacula.
Please remember to treat our community members with respect and
The mailing list is the primary support channel available to all users
at all experience levels. While a product's technical excellence is
in choosing a solution for business needs, a FOSS product whose user
community is treated well by their peers will enjoy greater success than
who's users are left to support themselves completely.
Vendors of proprietary products are quite often judged by users and in
trade press on both quality of their products and quality of their
The same is true for FOSS products except that /we/ are the support
staff and
the competition is just a download away. If a Bacula user can't get
their problem
resolved quickly and easily with help from the mailing list they'll
move on to another solution. They don't have the options that are
to users of proprietary products - find another support vendor or use
financial incentives with the vendor to improve response from them.
/rant mode off/
Alan Davis
Senior Architect
Ruckus Network, Inc.
703.464.6578 (o)
410.365.7175 (m)
alancdavis AIM
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