
On 1/15/2007 1:13 AM, Leah Kubik wrote:
> According to everything I am reading in the manual, "Bacula will only recycle 
> purged Volumes if there is no other appendable Volume available".
> Is there a way to force Bacula to reverse this and always reuse a volume if 
> one is marked purged before checking for appendable volumes?

You'd have to change the code.
The recycling code is quite complicated, but after you found the right 
lines it's only about changing a limited number of SQL queries.

I wouldn't recommend this, by the way.

>  We are doing 
> disk backups and have set expiry times for data.  We want to use the least 
> disk space and still stay within our expiry times for all data, so we want 
> purged volumes from pruning based on our volume retention to be reused. We 
> also have set volume sizes, so that backups can be burned off to DVD's.

Hmm. That sounds like you should, above all, avoid that volumes are in 
use for a long time. Imagine this scenario:

You have volumes A to F, all in state purged.
You start using Vol A but don't fill it.
Next, you use B but don't fill it - because you want to use a purged 
volume before filling others.
And so on.
Only after Vol F is used will Vol A be appended to. Only after VolA is 
filled to the maximum configured size can it be burnt to DVD because 
otherwise you'd never know which state of Vol A you have on disk.

My impression is that this setup wastes much more disk space than 
filling one volume after the other, thereby also allowing sooner DVD 

> So far, the only think I have thought of is to have a set amount of volumes, 
> but it's not really accomplishing what I really want.
> If anyone has any ideas, I'd be grateful.  I would appreciate if you cc 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], since I read this list online only.

Well, the usual setup I use when backing up to disk is to allow a fixed 
number of volumes per pool, configure three pools - one for Full, one 
for Diff, one for Incr backups - with retention times according to what 
my customer needs, and have the volumes limited in size.

That achieves what you want, if I understood you correctly: I limit disk 
space use, I can burn the volumes to DVD once they are in state Used, 
and automatic expiry works correct. With some thinking and some 
experiments it's usually possible to find settings for the volume size 
and number that ensure one or two purged volumes during normal 
operation. Using small volume file sizes, the amount of space wasted can 
be rather small.

> Here's some snippets from our existing bacula-dir.conf that may be helpful 
> (in 
> progress):
> --
> #
> # Bacula Director Configuration file
> #
> Director {
>         Name = fondue-dir
>         DIRport = 9101
>         QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql"
>         WorkingDirectory = "/srv/bacula"
>         PidDirectory = "/var/run"
>         Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
>         Password = "secret"
>         Messages = Daemon
> }
> JobDefs {
>         Name = "FullIncDiff"
>         Type = Backup
>         Storage = File
>         Messages = Standard
>         Pool = Default
>         Full Backup Pool = FullPool
>         Incremental Backup Pool = IncPool
>         Differential Backup Pool = DiffPool
>         Priority = 10
>         Prune Files = yes
> }
> Job {
>         Name = "fondue-files"
>         JobDefs = "FullIncDiff"
>         Write Bootstrap = "/srv/bacula/fondue.bsr"
>         Client = fondue-fd
>         FileSet = "Standard Server"
>         Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
> }
> Schedule {
>         Name = "WeeklyCycle"
>         Run = Full 1st sun at 1:05
>         Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 1:05

Hmmm. Sundays. That can mean that, during problems, your backups don't 
run until the operator comes back to work on Monday. I prefer Tuesdays. 
If I get paid for observing backups I set up Fridays or Saturdays, too, 
but not Sundays :-)

>         Run = Incremental mon-sat at 1:05
> }
> Client {
>         Name = fondue-fd
>         Address = fondue
>         FDPort = 9102
>         Catalog = MyCatalog
>         Password = "secret"               # password for FileDaemon
>         File Retention = 60 days            # 30 days
>         Job Retention = 6 months            # six months
>         AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files
> }
> ###############
> ### STORAGE ###
> ###############
> Storage {
>         Name = File
>         Address = fondue.internal
>         SDPort = 9103
>         Password = "pBI91oP76GMxFJcM4Q31KjNJU8hNdMZc71tX5mnq4NrU"
>         Device = FileStorage
>         Media Type = File

In case you might add more file storage later, better use a name more 
suited for distinction, like FundueFile.

> }
> Pool {
>         Name = FullPool
>         Pool Type = Backup
>         Recycle = yes                           # automatically recycle 
> Volumes
>         AutoPrune = yes                         # Prune expired volumes
>         Volume Retention = 6 months
>         #Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
>         Label Format = Full-
>         Maximum Volumes = 120
>         Maximum Volume Bytes = 4831838208       # 4.5GB

Ok. You recognize you'll need up to 540 GB for this pool alone? I hope 
you have reliable RAID hardware underneath the storage disk volume...

> }
> Pool {
>         Name = IncPool
>         Pool Type = Backup
>         Recycle = yes           # automatically recycle Volumes
>         AutoPrune = yes         # Prune expired volumes
>         Volume Retention = 14 days
>         #Maximum Volume Jobs = 6
>         Label Format = Inc-
>         Maximum Volumes = 25
>         Maximum Volume Bytes = 4831838208       # 4.5GB
> }
> Pool {
>         Name = DiffPool
>         Pool Type = Backup
>         Recycle = yes
>         AutoPrune = yes
>         Volume Retention = 35 days

I prefer two months here, but YMMV

>         #Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
>         Label Format = Diff-
>         Maximum Volumes = 10
> }

Well, looks good... only think about what having lots of appendable 
volumes means to your volume management. Or explain your problem to me 
again :-)


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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