> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mair Wolfgang-awm013 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 18 December 2006 14:07
> To: Richard Mortimer; Kern Sibbald; bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: RE: [Bacula-users] restore on solaris unexpected 
> freeinode/problems with doors
> Ok,
> So here is an update from what I found out so far while playing around
> with my Solaris system here. 
> A find for doors brings me the following list. As you can see, most of
> the doors are located in the /proc. 
> Next I deleted them all:
> # find / -type D -exec rm -f {} \;
> (Door files in the /proc dir are not able to be deleted)
> After that, the find brings me up only the files in the /proc which is
> what I wanted. 
> Then reboot. 
> After the system came up again I did the same find as above:
> So, as you can see the door files got created automatically. 
> Can this be
> taken now as an evidence in general, that ALL needed doors will be
> created automatically on demand by the system? 
I don't think that is a general rule. But it will probably work in
practice. In theory a door could be accessed via a node in a
readonly filesystem (fattach is like a mount but for files). I think
that a safer way is to just create a zero byte file where the door should
go during restore. Of course it should really be put in the backup
tagged as a door and the restore code just does the appropriate thing
for it.


> If so, this should be added to the bacula code, that doors have to be
> threatened as 'special' files and should not be backed up, as 
> mentioned
> by Kern below. 
> Wolfgang
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Richard
> Mortimer
> Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 18:59
> To: 'Richard Mortimer'; 'Kern Sibbald';
> bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] restore on solaris unexpected
> freeinode/problems with doors
> Replying to myself after just having looked at the OpenSolaris
> sourcecode for devfsadm.
> Anyway devfsadm creates a door file as follows:
> 1 - unlink any existing file
> 2 - create an empty regular file with the permissions required for
>     the door. Then close the file.
> 3 - use door_create() to get a door fd and then fattach it to
>     the filesystem.
> Thus I think that the correct way to restore a door file is to either
> (a) ignore it; or (b) create an empty regular file.
> I'm tempted to think that (b) is correct because some other uses of
> doors ignore errors creating the file (some even check for existance
> beforehand) and just do an fattach afterwards.
> The implementation is left as an exercise for any interested 
> readers who
> have Solaris systems!
> Richard

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