On Thursday 07 December 2006 11:20, Rudolph Bott wrote:
> Hey there,
> we redid our schedule to include incremental backups and we seem to have 
> a bit of problem here (bacula Version: 1.38.11 (28 June 2006) )
> We use file-backed backups and we have configured 6 different storages 
> (from monday to saturday):
> Device "StorageMontag" (/bacula/montag/montag-XXX)
> Device "StorageDienstag" (/bacula/dienstag/dienstag-XXX)
> Device "StorageMittwoch" (/bacula/mittwoch/mittwoch-XXX)
> Device "StorageDonnerstag" (/bacula/donnerstag/donnerstag-XXX)
> Device "StorageFreitag" (/bacula/freitag/freitag-XXX)
> Device "StorageSamstag" (/bacula/samstag/samstag-XXX)
> A machine is backuped fully e.g. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are 
> Incremental, Thursday is Full again, Friday and Saturday Incremental and 
> so on. For some reason, bacula manages to figure out what volumes on 
> which storage are involved if you do a restore on e.g. thursday (Monday 
> Full + Tuesday/Wednesday Incremental).
> Bacula restores most of the files from StorageMontag, but the next 
> volume is actually located in StorageDienstag. Bacula then tries to open 
> the volume in StorageMontag (where it obviously can't find it) and the 
> restore fails.
> Does anybody have a solution to this problem? If needed, I can provide 
> you with more information about the bacula-dir/sd configuration!

What you are trying to do is not supported by Bacula.  The manual describes a 
way that you can "manually" deal with this situation by splitting the 
bootstrap file into multiple bootstrap files that you then restore.  It is 
not an ideal solution.

The best solution is to follow the example in the manual that shows you how to 
use mutliple pools with the stam storage device.

It is possible that this feature (using multiple devices in the Storage daemon 
during a restore) is implemented in version 1.39, but it is untested and not 
really supported.

Also, if you are using the same MediaType for all your storage devices, you 
will eventually have additional problems.  A given MediaType (as documented) 
implies that the Volume can be mounted on any device with the same MediaType, 
which is clearly not the same if you use different mount points (directories) 
as you have done for your Volumes.

> -- 
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen / with kind regards
>   Rudolph Bott
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