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I have located this. Its author is Robert Hartzell -- are we speaking
about the same thing? The name popped into my head today and once I
searched on it, the README that he wrote popped up immediately. As he
never posted it to the list, I'd like to get his permission first, but I
assume that that will be no problem. Just when someone doesn't post
something to the list, I have to assume they might have a reason.

He started using an 03/05 disc and building a restore disc from that,
but apparently he since tried it with 01/06 and this works fine as well.
He thinks it should work on Solaris 9 as well, and I'd wager it works on
06/06, as there were no changes that should affect the ability to
conduct a restore on this version.

Note, he attempted this on x86. I am very interested in doing it on
SPARC, and in fact may try to get it going this afternoon.

Paul Norland wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> On Friday 10 November 2006 16:15, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>>> If I'm not mistaken (and now I'm thinking I may have lost this stuff due
>>> to an old e-mail purge), someone has done some substantial work doing
>>> bare-metal restores on Solaris. I don't remember the gentleman's name,
>>> but I believe he posted to the list.
>> Yes, now that you mention it, I recall that someone did get rescue working 
>> on 
>> Solaris, but to the best of my knowledge the code was never posted.  If 
>> someone has the time to check the archives and prove me wrong, he would be 
>> doing the Solaris users a big favor as I would be very happy to accept such 
>> code ... :-)
> I would consider that a HUGE  favor.   I have time, motivation and
> Solaris boxes to help in making this happen.   What I don't have yet is
> the wisdom.
> I have tried the archives, and found many references to the code, but no
> actual code.   Last week I even dropped a note to the person who said
> that they had a working sample, but no reply as of yet.
> Paul
> http://www.athinktank.com
>>> Kern Sibbald wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday 08 November 2006 19:52, A Think Tank wrote:
>>>>> I am trying to go though the rescue procedures / preparation for
>>>>> Solaris, SunOS 5.10 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240,  as directed
>>>>> by the documentation.   I have a couple of errors with the command
>>>>> /usr/local/src/bacula-rescue-1.8.6/solaris/getdiskinfo
>>>>> Error on if statement
>>>>> Begin collecting system info
>>>>> ./getdiskinfo: test: argument expected
>>>>> I changed the if syntax to read:
>>>>> - if [ -e /etc/fstab ]; then
>>>>> + if [ -r /etc/fstab ]; then
>>>>> for all instances of the -e expression and it seemed to work just fine.
>>>>> It identified that i have a vfstab file and read that.
>>>>> Error on route command.
>>>>> "route -n >route.bsi"
>>>>> error message
>>>>> usage: route [ -fnqv ] cmd [[ -<qualifers> ] args ]
>>>>> I am just not sure how to fix this, because I am not sure what the
>>>>> command is trying to gather.
>>>>> Currently both the df.bsi and route.bsi files are empty.  The other
>>>>> files seem to have been created just fine.
>>>>> I presume that the df.bsi file should contain data, but again, not sure
>>>>> what and there was no error message.
>>>> Hmmm. The problem is that no one has yet converted the Linux scripts to 
>> work
>>>> on Solaris.  There are a lot of important and subtle differences between
>>>> Linux and Solaris, eg most "if [ -e xxx ]"  should be "if [ -f xxx ]" ...
>>>> There are also a lot of major differences in terms of what info needs to 
>> be
>>>> saved to reconstruct a system.
>>>> I suspect that you might be better off starting with some existing Solaris
>>>> script that saves the system, then adding to it the necessary Bacula 
>> stuff.
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 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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