Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> One point to add here, incidentally, is that static FD's on Solaris do
> not seem to be possible. I'd love for someone to prove me wrong on that
> one. In any case, this guide gets around that by copying the libraries
> necessary along with the file.

That is right, static 64-bit apps were never possible. The .a system libs
are simply missing. Starting with Solaris 10  this is also true for 32-bit
apps. See
(first two links) for the rationale behind it.

Another thing to note: installboot for current Solaris 10 is
Sparc only, x86 systems use grub/installgrub.

> Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>> Since Mr. Hartzell does not appear to be answering his e-mail, and my
>> feeling is that he would not mind helping others on this, I'll post his
>> recipe to the list.
>> Hopefully this gets the ball rolling for some people.
>> A Think Tank wrote:
>>> Anyone come up with anything on this one?
>>> I'm about to go live with a home brewed wing and a prayer backup plan
>>> for bare metal restores.
>>> Paul
>>> Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>>> I have located this. Its author is Robert Hartzell -- are we speaking
>>> about the same thing? The name popped into my head today and once I
>>> searched on it, the README that he wrote popped up immediately. As he
>>> never posted it to the list, I'd like to get his permission first, but I
>>> assume that that will be no problem. Just when someone doesn't post
>>> something to the list, I have to assume they might have a reason.
>>> He started using an 03/05 disc and building a restore disc from that,
>>> but apparently he since tried it with 01/06 and this works fine as well.
>>> He thinks it should work on Solaris 9 as well, and I'd wager it works on
>>> 06/06, as there were no changes that should affect the ability to
>>> conduct a restore on this version.
>>> Note, he attempted this on x86. I am very interested in doing it on
>>> SPARC, and in fact may try to get it going this afternoon.
>>> Paul Norland wrote:
>>>>>> Kern Sibbald wrote:
>>>>>>> On Friday 10 November 2006 16:15, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>>>>>>>> If I'm not mistaken (and now I'm thinking I may have lost this stuff 
>>>>>>>> due
>>>>>>>> to an old e-mail purge), someone has done some substantial work doing
>>>>>>>> bare-metal restores on Solaris. I don't remember the gentleman's name,
>>>>>>>> but I believe he posted to the list.
>>>>>>> Yes, now that you mention it, I recall that someone did get rescue 
>>>>>>> working on 
>>>>>>> Solaris, but to the best of my knowledge the code was never posted.  If 
>>>>>>> someone has the time to check the archives and prove me wrong, he would 
>>>>>>> be 
>>>>>>> doing the Solaris users a big favor as I would be very happy to accept 
>>>>>>> such 
>>>>>>> code ... :-)
>>>>>> I would consider that a HUGE  favor.   I have time, motivation and
>>>>>> Solaris boxes to help in making this happen.   What I don't have yet is
>>>>>> the wisdom.
>>>>>> I have tried the archives, and found many references to the code, but no
>>>>>> actual code.   Last week I even dropped a note to the person who said
>>>>>> that they had a working sample, but no reply as of yet.
>>>>>> Paul
>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
>>>>>> http://www.athinktank.com
>>>>>>>> Kern Sibbald wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday 08 November 2006 19:52, A Think Tank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I am trying to go though the rescue procedures / preparation for
>>>>>>>>>> Solaris, SunOS 5.10 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240,  as 
>>>>>>>>>> directed
>>>>>>>>>> by the documentation.   I have a couple of errors with the command
>>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/src/bacula-rescue-1.8.6/solaris/getdiskinfo
>>>>>>>>>> Error on if statement
>>>>>>>>>> Begin collecting system info
>>>>>>>>>> ../getdiskinfo: test: argument expected
>>>>>>>>>> I changed the if syntax to read:
>>>>>>>>>> - if [ -e /etc/fstab ]; then
>>>>>>>>>> + if [ -r /etc/fstab ]; then
>>>>>>>>>> for all instances of the -e expression and it seemed to work just 
>>>>>>>>>> fine.
>>>>>>>>>> It identified that i have a vfstab file and read that.
>>>>>>>>>> Error on route command.
>>>>>>>>>> "route -n >route.bsi"
>>>>>>>>>> error message
>>>>>>>>>> usage: route [ -fnqv ] cmd [[ -<qualifers> ] args ]
>>>>>>>>>> I am just not sure how to fix this, because I am not sure what the
>>>>>>>>>> command is trying to gather.
>>>>>>>>>> Currently both the df.bsi and route.bsi files are empty.  The other
>>>>>>>>>> files seem to have been created just fine.
>>>>>>>>>> I presume that the df.bsi file should contain data, but again, not 
>>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>>> what and there was no error message.
>>>>>>>>> Hmmm. The problem is that no one has yet converted the Linux scripts 
>>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>>> on Solaris.  There are a lot of important and subtle differences 
>>>>>>>>> between
>>>>>>>>> Linux and Solaris, eg most "if [ -e xxx ]"  should be "if [ -f xxx ]" 
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> There are also a lot of major differences in terms of what info needs 
>>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>> saved to reconstruct a system.
>>>>>>>>> I suspect that you might be better off starting with some existing 
>>>>>>>>> Solaris
>>>>>>>>> script that saves the system, then adding to it the necessary Bacula 
>>>>>>> stuff.
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>>>>>>>>  |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
>>>>>>>>  |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
>>>>>>>>  \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - 
>>>>>>>> C630
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> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Quick guide on how to make a custom Solaris boot CD to use as a Bacula
> client rescue CD for Solaris 10_03/05 x86 (FCS).
>       copyright Robert W Hartzell 2006-04-21 <rwhartz at cox.net>
> What you will need:
>       1) Static compiled file daemon and config files for your setup.
>       2) Solaris 10_03/05 CD 1 of 4
>       3) CD Burner
>       4) super-user access to build the miniroot & iso image.
> 1) mkdir /tmp/isodir
> 2) Create an empty file to hold the miniroot plus a little extra room
>    and leaves about 290mb free on the CD
>       # mkfile 360m /var/tmp/miniroot
> 3) Map the file to a block device
>       # lofiadm -a /var/tmp/miniroot
>       /dev/lofi/1
> 4) Create a new file system on the miniroot
>       # newfs -i 8192 -m 1 /dev/rlofi/1
>       newfs: construct a new file system /dev/rlofi/1: (y/n)? y
>       /dev/rlofi/1: 736800 sectors in 1228 cylinders of 1 tracks, 600 sectors
>         359.8MB in 77 cyl groups (16 c/g, 4.69MB/g, 576 i/g)
>       super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:
>       32, 9632, 19232, 28832, 38432, 48032, 57632, 67232, 76832, 86432,
>       643232, 652832, 662432, 672032, 681632, 691232, 700832, 710432,
>       720032, 729632
> 5) Mount the block device
>       # mount /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
> 6) Copy the root image to the miniroot file system
>       # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0
>       # find . -depth -print | cpio -pdm /mnt
>       780288 blocks
> 7)    Add your static built fd and config files to /mnt
>       I just reproduced my production directory structure so it looks
>       like this but you can place the files however you want. Just make
>       sure they match the config files.
>       # cd /mnt/
>       # ls -R opt/local
>       opt/local:
>       bin         etc         sbin
>       opt/local/bin:
>       bacula   bconsole   btraceback.dbx  btraceback.gdb  gconsole
>       opt/local/etc:
>       bacula
>       opt/local/etc/bacula:
>       bacula-ctl-fd   bacula-fd.conf  bconsole.conf
>       opt/local/sbin:
>       bacula-fd   bconsole    btraceback
>       Edit your config files so that the working directory
>       is /tmp so bacula has writable place to put the pid and state file.
>       I also needed to copy some gcc libs from /usr/sfw/lib to the miniroot
>       and setup a couple of softlinks. Put them in the /mnt/usr/sfw/lib
>       # cd /mnt/usr/sfw/lib
>       # cp /usr/sfw/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 .
>       # ln -s libgcc_s.so.1 libgcc_s.so
>       # cp /usr/sfw/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.3 .
>       # ln -s libstdc++.so.6.0.3 libstdc++.so.6
> 8) Unmount the file system and delete the lofi device
>       # umount /mnt
>       # lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1
> 9) Extract the boot files from the CD
>       a) Turn off the volume manager
>               # /etc/init.d/volmgt stop
>       b) The CD should stll be in the drive. Make sure you use the correct
>       device for your CDROM drive
>               # dd if=/dev/dsk/c1t0d0p0 of=/tmp/mboot+pboot.cd bs=512 count=2
>               2+0 records in
>               2+0 records out
>       c) Save the bootblk into a file named bootblk.cd
>       # dd if=/dev/dsk/c1t0d0p0 of=/tmp/bootblk.cd bs=512 iseek=4 count=60
>               60+0 records in
>               60+0 records out
> 10) Create the boot files
>       a) Create the bootimage
>               # cp /tmp/mboot+pboot.cd /tmp/isodir/.bootimage
>       b) Create the boot file with a 1k gap in the file
>               # cp /tmp/mboot+pboot.cd /tmp/genboot
>               # dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=1 >> /tmp/genboot
>               1+0 records in
>               1+0 records out
>               # cat /tmp/bootblk.cd >> /tmp/genboot
> 11) Add your custom content to the CD image (max size is about 290mb)
>       I haven't messed with this yet but you should be able to place
>       just about anything you want in the /tmp/isodir before you create
>       iso image. It would be a good place to put config files for other
>       systems. Whatever program you run has to fit in available memory.
> 12) Create the CD image using mkisofs
>               # mkisofs -r -no-emul-boot \
>                -b .bootimage \
>                -c .catalog \
>                -G genboot \
>                -o bacula-rescue.iso \
>                -sunx86-boot /var/tmp/miniroot \
>                /tmp/isodir/
>       Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
>       Total translation table size: 2048
>       Total rockridge attributes bytes: 331
>       Total directory bytes: 0
>       Path table size(bytes): 10
>       Total extents including Solaris x86 boot = 184480
>       Max brk space used 8000
>       184630 extents written (360 MB)
> 13) Create the custom boot CD
>       a) Restart volmgt
>               # /etc/init.d/volmgt start
>               volume management starting.
>       b) Burn the image (use the correct device for your burner).
>       You can get the correct device with:
>       # /opt/sfw/bin/cdrecord -scanbus
>       Burn the image with:
>       # /opt/sfw/bin/cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -v -eject /tmp/bacula-rescue.iso
> 14) Now your ready to boot the the system with the rescue CD
>       a) Insert the rescue CD and boot the system.
>       b) Choose option 4 Solaris Interactive Text (Console session)
>       c) Allow the install routine continue and setup the networking
>       information according to your site.     
>       d) When you see the "Solaris Interactive Installation" screen exit
>       the install routine with F5 then confirm with F2
>       e) Format and partition the new hard drive (duplicate the partitioning
>       scheme that was used on the old HD).
>       f) Create the file systems with newfs, check them with fsck.
>       g) Mount the HD to /mnt
>       h) Start the bacula file daemon with:
>               /opt/local/bin/bacula start
>       and then bconsole with:
>               /opt/local/bin/bconsole
>       You should now be connected to you backup server and ready to
>       restore your system to /mnt
>       i) After the restore is complete you need to make the new HD bootable
>       with installboot (details on how to do this in the next rev of the doc)
>       For reference (man installboot)
>       j) reboot
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>  ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
>  |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
>  |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
>  \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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