
On 9/28/2006 2:48 PM, m listus wrote:
> hi,
>>Where are you stuck? What have you tried?
> i managed to get the schedule and pools right,
> following the "daily, weekly, monthly tape usage
> example".
> i changed the "use volume once = yes" because it's
> totally incompatible with multiple jobs (expecting ~8
> client jobs). 


> i replaced them this way:
> Pool {
>   Name = Weekly
> #  Use Volume Once = yes
>   Volume Use Duration = 4j

What is the "j" time modifier? I never encountered that in Bacula 
before, and the manual doesn't tell me what it means.

>   Pool Type = Backup
>   AutoPrune = yes
>   VolumeRetention = 30d
>   Recycle = yes
> }
> Pool {
>   Name = Monthly
> #  Use Volume Once = yes
>   Volume Use Duration = 8j
>   Pool Type = Backup
>   AutoPrune = yes
>   VolumeRetention = 365d
>   Recycle = yes
> }
> this way i expect a tape to be used for all the jobs
> during that day, and still get bacula request another
> tape for the following similar event.

Sounds like you want the "days" time specifier...

> i have tested my config a bit, and it works.
> i tested the another event (weekly) by changing system
> date like this:
> date -s"day 01:29:30" #my schedule is set for 01:30:00
> plus restarting daemons (is it necessary?)

And? What happened?

> for the fully automatic part, i looked at alex.
> kuehn's script, and started modifying it (the delay
> seems too short and i have to use a mailhost...).

Well, I don't know which script that is, so I can't comment on this.

> meanwhile, i declared this device:
> #HP StorageWorks DAT 40 USB
> Device {
>   Name = hpsw
>   Media Type = DDS-4
>   Archive Device = /dev/nst0
>   AutomaticMount = yes
>   AlwaysOpen = yes
>   RemovableMedia = yes
>   RandomAccess = no
>   Label Media = Yes
>   Offline On Unmount = yes
> ##my config
>   Volume Poll Interval = 300 #tested with 60
>   Close on Poll = yes
> ##config as of a.k. tip
> #  Autochanger = yes
> #  Changer Command =
> "/etc/bacula/scripts/ak-mtx-changer.sh %o %a %S"
>   Maximum Changer Wait = 259200 # 3days
> }
> my config part follows a hint in device declaration
> docs, but it works partially:
> .it doesn't eject the tape each time. only the 1st and
> it keeps sending mail.
> .it tries something like 5 times before aborting the
> job. i don't want that! it should wait a day or two if
> the operator (non tech savvy...) misses the point.
> i simply want bacula to eject the tape until it gets
> the right one.

Admittedly, I never used the automounting options, but regarding 
ejecting a tape after a days work is something I would do with a run 
after job script which I'd attach to, for example, the Catalog backup job.

In my office I do things a little different: The backup server is used 
_only_ for backups, so I have a job that initiates a shutdown last thing 
a day. All tape autochangers are unloaded in the shutdown sequence. The 
server starts automatically - it's a PC based system where the BIOS 
options allow this. Otherwise I'd probably use Wake-On-Lan, triggered by 
another server in the network.

> that's my status now.
> btw, i'm using:
> .bacula 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) on debian sarge w/
> dir, sd and fd.
> .bacula 1.36.3 (22 April 2005) on kubuntu dapper w/
> fd.
> .bacula 1.38.10 on windows xp w/ fd.
> is there any compatibility issues i have to be aware
> of? 

Hmm, running different versions like 1.36 and 1.38 together is 
definitely not something that anyone will guarantee to to work, but in 
my experience that combination should work.

> knowing that i ran w/ this config w/ file backup for
> nearly 1 month flawlessly, with the only warnings
> concerning xp's fd failing to get files being opened
> by other processes.
>>Take a look at the archives or your INBOX. :)
> i read them, i don't have that problem, but it seems
> we want to do the same thing.
> i have another question:
> i'm using mail notification to get feedback from
> bacula. when deploying on remote site, i want the
> operator and me to get the mails.
> the problem is that i have no mta on the server and my
> mx and the operator's aren't the same. plus my mx
> doesn't relay. (mx declared as arg to -h)
> how can i solve this?

Use a mailing list on your local mta. Usually, a simple entry to the 
mail servers aliases file is enough.


> thank you,
> mlistus
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