Shit..................sorry, I missed that

Janco v.d Merwe
Network Administrator
Dunns Stores (PTY) Ltd
Switchboard: 011 541 3000
Direct: 011 541 3007
Fax: 086 632 1708

-----Original Message-----
From: Kern Sibbald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 September, 2006 14:22
Cc: Janco van der Merwe
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Autoloaders

On Tuesday 12 September 2006 14:16, Janco van der Merwe wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to ask a really dumb question now, so please bear with me. We just 
bought a Dell Power Vault 124 with a LTO 3 now the problem is that I don't 
know what device the autoloader is specified in /dev. 
> I have a nst0, nst0a, nst0l, nst0m as well as st0, st0a, st0l and st0m. At 
least I know what the difference between nst0 and st0 is but I don't know 
which one of the rest is the autoloader ??????? 
> The best thing is I just got to grips with Bacula and the AIT and now I have 
to do everything over again but this time on RHEL 4 and the Dell Autoloader, 
at least Bacula is easy but the hardware through a curve ball. 

> HELP???????

Have you read the Autochanger chapter of the manual?  It tells you how to 
figure it out by looking at /proc/...

> Janco v.d Merwe
> Network Administrator
> Dunns Stores (PTY) Ltd
> Switchboard: 011 541 3000
> Direct: 011 541 3007
> Fax: 086 632 1708
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