Item 1:   include JobID in spool file name
  Origin: Mark Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date:  Tue Aug 22 17:13:39 EDT 2006

  What:   Change the name of the spool file to include the JobID

  Why:    JobIDs are the common key used to refer to jobs, yet the 
        spoolfile name doesn't include that information. The date/time
        stamp is useful (and should be retained).

Item 2:   include timestamp of job launch in "stat clients" output
  Origin: Mark Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date:  Tue Aug 22 17:13:39 EDT 2006

  What:   The "stat clients" command doesn't include any detail on when
        the active backup jobs were launched.

  Why:   Including the timestamp would make it much easier to decide whether
        a job is running properly. 

  Notes: It may be helpful to have the output from "stat clients" formatted 
        more like that from "stat dir" (and other commands), in a column
        format. The per-client information that's currently shown (level,
        client name, JobId, Volume, pool, device, Files, etc.) is good, but
        somewhat hard to parse (both programmatically and visually), 
        particularly when there are many active clients.

Mark Bergman                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator
Section of Biomedical Image Analysis             215-662-7310
Department of Radiology,           University of Pennsylvania

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