
Here is my config in attached files.

I run parallel jobs "file1-to-pool1" and "file2-to-pool2"

>* status dir
>JobId Level   Name                       Status

>     1 Full    file1-to-pool1.2006-06-28_15.32.32 is running
>     2 Full    file2-to-pool2.2006-06-28_15.32.45 is running

All jobs terminated OK.

Further I start job "restore.files"

>* status dir
>Running Jobs:
>Console connected at 28-Jun-06 15:32
> JobId Level   Name                       Status
>     4         restore.files.2006-06-28_15.36.07 is running

Job terminated OK.

Further I start jobs:
"restore.files" (restore all, jobid=2)

>Running Jobs:
>Console connected at 28-Jun-06 15:32
> JobId Level   Name                       Status
>     5 Full    file1-to-pool1.2006-06-28_15.38.17 is running
>     6         restore.files.2006-06-28_15.38.29 is waiting for higher priority jobs to finish

WHY " restore.files.2006-06-28_15.38.29 is waiting for higher priority jobs to finis" ???
Why jobs are not worked  in parallel?

Attachment: bacula-dir.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: bacula-fd.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: bacula-sd.conf
Description: Binary data

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