On Wednesday 21 June 2006 20:36, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hello,
> On 6/21/2006 11:21 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > On Friday 16 June 2006 21:06, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> ...
> >>Interesting option... but please provide us with a good API for all
> >>sorts of status changes of jobs, volumes, and the catalog itself :-)
> >
> > Why don't we start by implementing a number of new dot commands.  Feed me
> > a couple of your most desired wishes.  Please keep it short and sweet I
> > understand what is needed, but am so overloaded that a pointer to say the
> > top 5-10 items would make it happen a lot faster ...
> Hmm, I don't want to add to your overload, so I though I should simply
> wait two weeks. Then I decided that your schedule is best managed by
> yourself :-)
> Anyway, I cc this to the devel-list, and replies should also go there as
> this seems to be something more or less directly related to development,
> though with a strong feature request component.

OK, could you please re-work this a bit with the following in mind:

All Bacula commands are of the form    verb  keyword=value, ...

with the exception that "verb" can be replaced by a "noun" and in that case, 
it means tell me the name of all the "noun" items.



means list all the storage devices.  


.volume (does not exist)

would mean list all the volumes.

If you want to update a volume, we can either have:

.update volume=xxx

where the update command (verb) knows that we are dealing with volumes because 
it is the first keyword, OR if someone does not like that, we could have:

.updatevol ...

I prefer simply .update

If you want the devices attached to a Storage device, first you have to 
specify whether or not we are talking about the Director's concept or the 
what is known from the SD.  Let's assume you want what the Director knows.

We might have something like:

.show storage=xxx
.show storage

for all.  

Using the .show command sticks with the current Bacula console usage, which I 
think will minimize our confusion later.

> Anyway, the things I'd like to see most are:
> .volume name=xxx|id=xxx
> enabled|enable|disable|status=xxx|getstatus|getlocation|location=xxx
> This would be more or less what I need for the Volume Location Management.
> .storage doesn't take arguments today. It should allow a listing of the
> devices attached to each storage, like '.storage storage=xxx'

See above.

> .device device=xxx

This would be ".show device=xxx"

> to display a short status of a device, for example
> empty
> idle
> busy
> waiting

Look at the current output of "show device" to get an idea of what would be 

> These commands - or something with similar effect - would be used in a
> part of the Volume Location Management where I try to unload tapes that
> are part of a volume set to be taken off-site.
> Finally, a set of commands to move tapes through Bacula inside an
> autochanger - like
> .device device=xxx unmount
> .storage device=xxx toslot=yyy unload
> .storage fromslot=xxx toslot=yyy move [templslot=zzz]

The above needs to be reworked in the light of what I said.

Moving tapes from slot to slot is not something that will come soon unless 
someone wants to do some design work on mtx-changer to add the needed 
functionality.  In addition, not all autochangers will permit you to unload 
into a different slot or to move from one slot to another.  Someone will need 
to research that and find out how to determine if it is permitted or not so 
that Bacula can reject any illegal command before it destroys the 
autochanger ...

> The latter one is the thing I find most interesting as I implemented
> something using perl and calling mtx... The purpose is to move the tapes
> that are to be unloaded in pre-determined slots so that the operator can
> simply swap a magazine.
> If my explanations didn't make it clear - the commands I sugested are
> ordered by priority. '.volume enable|disable' is the command I realy
> need, the others are nice-to-haves.
> Arno

Best regards,



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