
On 6/21/2006 11:21 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> On Friday 16 June 2006 21:06, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>>Interesting option... but please provide us with a good API for all
>>sorts of status changes of jobs, volumes, and the catalog itself :-)
> Why don't we start by implementing a number of new dot commands.  Feed me a 
> couple of your most desired wishes.  Please keep it short and sweet I 
> understand what is needed, but am so overloaded that a pointer to say the top 
> 5-10 items would make it happen a lot faster ...

Hmm, I don't want to add to your overload, so I though I should simply 
wait two weeks. Then I decided that your schedule is best managed by 
yourself :-)

Anyway, I cc this to the devel-list, and replies should also go there as 
this seems to be something more or less directly related to development, 
though with a strong feature request component.

Anyway, the things I'd like to see most are:

.volume name=xxx|id=xxx 

This would be more or less what I need for the Volume Location Management.

.storage doesn't take arguments today. It should allow a listing of the 
devices attached to each storage, like '.storage storage=xxx'

.device device=xxx

to display a short status of a device, for example

These commands - or something with similar effect - would be used in a 
part of the Volume Location Management where I try to unload tapes that 
are part of a volume set to be taken off-site.

Finally, a set of commands to move tapes through Bacula inside an 
autochanger - like
.device device=xxx unmount
.storage device=xxx toslot=yyy unload
.storage fromslot=xxx toslot=yyy move [templslot=zzz]

The latter one is the thing I find most interesting as I implemented 
something using perl and calling mtx... The purpose is to move the tapes 
that are to be unloaded in pre-determined slots so that the operator can 
simply swap a magazine.

If my explanations didn't make it clear - the commands I sugested are 
ordered by priority. '.volume enable|disable' is the command I realy 
need, the others are nice-to-haves.


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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