Am 16.06.2006 um 21:02 schrieb Christoff Buch:

> Hi!
> So far I thought about turning off spooling, which speeded  
> throughput up from ca. 5MB/s to 7MB/s.
> But the old backup - software did ca. 15MB/s.
> So I'm still at only about 50%.

How did you measure? The througput value supplied by the fd is  
probably not measured the same way is it was with your old software.

Spooling is nice if you do not want your tape go into start-stop-mode  
when doing incrementals.

> What are the configuration items of bacula that influence its  
> throughput?
> I guess it can have something to do with:
> - signature = MD5 (In FileSet)
> - compression (In FileSet; switched off)

(Software) compression considerably slows things down.

> - messages (but this overhead can't be that big, right?)
> - MaximumNetworkBufferSize (set to 65536 in my sd and all fds, and  
> restarted of course)
> Unfortunately to no avail.
> Has anyone successfully managed to get over 10 MB/s?

Again, I don't know how your measured. I can spool up to MIN(speed-of- 
spooling-device, network-speed) and then write to tape with up to  
approximately 45 MB/s. I configured bacula such that it can run three  
jobs at the same time, on three devices.

What about your database speed? If you use MySQL turn on the slow  
query log to find problems with your db performance. Make sure you  
have all indexes set up properly


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