
Last night, the last job (backup of the catalog) produced the following

I understand there is a problem in the database, related to the files of Volume 
FILE_DAY_0004. No more.

Any help ?

05-Jun 03:26 backup-dir: Start Backup JobId 2964, 
05-Jun 03:26 backup-sd: Volume "FILE_DAY_0004" previously written, moving to 
end of data.
05-Jun 03:30 backup-dir: catalog.2006-06-05_01.15.01 Fatal error: Volume Files 
at 1 being set to 0 for Volume "FILE_DAY_0004". This is incorrect.
05-Jun 03:30 backup-sd: catalog.2006-06-05_01.15.01 Fatal error: Error getting 
Volume info: 1992 Update Media error. VolFiles=0, CatFiles=1
05-Jun 03:30 prophecy-fd: catalog.2006-06-05_01.15.01 Fatal error: Bad status 
102 returned from Storage Daemon.
05-Jun 03:30 backup-dir: catalog.2006-06-05_01.15.01 Error: Bacula 1.38.3 
(04Jan06): 05-Jun-2006 03:30:26

Thank you.

Baptiste MALGUY - IT Engineer                               SOLSOFT
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