Now has the director reported as failed it took two hours.

The final output from the director is:

26-May 14:06 edstrom-fd: edstrom.2006-05-22_10.07.42 Fatal error: 
c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\filed\../../filed/backup.c:500 Network 
send error to SD. ERR=Input/output error
26-May 14:06 edstrom-fd: edstrom.2006-05-22_10.07.42 Error: 
c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\lib\../../lib/bnet.c:393 Write error 
sending len to Storage daemon:localhost:9103: ERR=Input/output error
26-May 16:05 neo-dir: edstrom.2006-05-22_10.07.42 Fatal error: Network error 
with FD during Backup: ERR=Connection reset by peer
26-May 16:05 neo-dir: edstrom.2006-05-22_10.07.42 Fatal error: No Job status 
returned from FD.
26-May 16:05 neo-dir: edstrom.2006-05-22_10.07.42 Error: Bacula 1.38.5 
(18Jan06): 26-May-2006 16:05:47
 JobId:                  378
 Job:                    edstrom.2006-05-22_10.07.42
 Backup Level:           Full
 Client:                 "edstrom-fd" Windows Server 2003,MVS,NT 5.2.3790
 FileSet:                "Windows Full System edstrom" 2006-05-08 13:32:44
 Pool:                   "edstrom-full"
 Storage:                "edstrom"
 Scheduled time:         22-May-2006 10:07:34
 Start time:             22-May-2006 10:07:44
 End time:               26-May-2006 16:05:47
 Priority:               10
 FD Files Written:       0
 SD Files Written:       0
 FD Bytes Written:       0
 SD Bytes Written:       0
 Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
 Software Compression:   None
 Volume name(s):         edstrom-full
 Volume Session Id:      1
 Volume Session Time:    1148284993
 Last Volume Bytes:      46,996,991,306
 Non-fatal FD errors:    0
 SD Errors:              0
 FD termination status:  Error
 SD termination status:  Running
 Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

The "Network error with FD during Backup:" does that indicate that there is a problem for the director to talk to the filedaemon or for the filedaemon to talk to the storagedaemon?


Marcus Hallberg wrote:

Hi I am having the same problem.

In my case it dosen't happen until the end of the backupjob. I am trying to backup 62 GB of data and at 47 GB of compressed data this occures, which makes it hard to replicate (it takes five days to get there...). I have tried two times. When it fails it is still listed as running in the diretor but through messages I get:

26-May 14:06 edstrom-fd: edstrom.2006-05-22_10.07.42 Fatal error: c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\filed\../../filed/backup.c:500 Network send error to SD . ERR=Input/output error
26-May 14:06 edstrom-fd: edstrom.2006-05-22_10.07.42 Error:
c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\lib\../../lib/bnet.c:393 Write error sending len to Storage daemon:localhost:9103: ERR=Input/output error

The client is a Windows Server 2003 which I installed three weeks ago with the latest stable bacula client. The Director and storagedaemon are both running on a Gentoo Linux x86 with bacula 1.38.5

Any insight on this problem would be greatly appressiated.


Ted Cabeen wrote:

I'm having a lot of trouble getting Windows 2000 clients to backup
with my current bacula setup.  Backups consistently crash with the
following error:
23-May 16:31 cas-fd: CAS.2006-05-23_14.57.24 Fatal error: c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\filed\../../filed/backup.c:500 Network send error to SD. ERR=Input/output error 23-May 16:31 black-dir: CAS.2006-05-23_14.57.24 Error: Bacula 1.38.9 (02May06): 23-May-2006 16:31:59

I've tried a number of things to resolve this problem, and nothing has
helped.  First I figured it was some sort of network problem.
However, these machines have a solid connection, and a Linux box in
the same datecenter backs up cleanly every time. With full debugging turned on, this is the debug message I get on the FD:
cas-fd: ../../filed/backup.c:506 Send data to SD len=6884
cas-fd: ../../filed/backup.c:506 Send data to SD len=7048
cas-fd: ../../filed/backup.c:506 Send data to SD len=7047
cas-fd: ../../filed/backup.c:111 end blast_data ok=0
cas-fd: ../../filed/job.c:1266 Error in blast_data.
cas-fd: ../../filed/job.c:1334 End FD msg: 2800 End Job TermCode=102 JobFiles=6386 ReadBytes=15769107088 JobBytes=3128401861 Errors=0

On the server running the Director and Storage Daemon, I get the
black-sd: block.c:430 binbuf=64503 buf_len=64512
black-dir: backup.c:302 FDStatus=f
black-dir: msgchan.c:306 === End msg_thread. use=2
black-dir: backup.c:363 Enter backup_cleanup 69 E

What does the "Error in blast_data" error mean?

Here's my bacula-fd.conf file:

Director {
 Name = black-dir
 Password = "<snip>"

FileDaemon {                          # this is me
 Name = cas-fd
 FDport = 9102                  # where we listen for the director
 WorkingDirectory = /bacula/working
 Pid Directory = /bacula/working
 Heartbeat Interval = 30 seconds

Messages {
 Name = Standard
 director = black-dir = all, !skipped

/Marcus Hallberg
Wimlet Consulting AB
Djurgårdsgatan 10
414 62 Göteborg
mobil: 0707-141716

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