On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 11:10:32AM +0200, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> I've taken a look at this patch, and may add it to Bacula, but the patch
> is not really the correct way to solve the problem. 

That was what I thought. That is what worked for me and what I thought
could be useful for Bacula developers to develop the right solution.

> When labeling a
> Volume for the first time, Bacula writes a pre-label, which means the name
> of the Volume is there, but not all the other information needed for the
> label.

What is the other information?

> Apparently this is what is failing in the CD writing, and you have simply
> bypassed this step.
> Now, the patch may seem to work, but in fact, you are then left with a
> Volume that is not correctly labeled, and I am not 100% certain what kinds
> of problems, if any, will occur later.

Both backup and restore seems to work for me now. That is all I need
now, but it would be great to see the problem solved right in Bacula


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